Good God
I don't think I've ever had a longer span of time without something to worry about. But today, I am proud to announce that it's over. Summer vacation spoken in a sigh of relief that's cut short by all the nasty side effects it brings.
Exams are long tests that have a stronger effect on your grade the older you get. They are inconveniently placed that the end of the semester when you have 100 other things to worry about. Side effects may include altered sleep schedules, panic attacks*, failure to complete hotness maintenance, and increased risk of suicide.
*for more information on panic attacks please see Alex
I did manage to exempt my speech exam by the skin of my teeth, so there's one A.
I power studied for CS1 and currently have an estimated return of 77, putting me at a 74 average for the class. But word on the mmorpg channels is that that's a HUGE grade curb that Biswaw denies all year long.
My English exam was impromptu essay writing, which earned my annoying overly liberal ineffective and generally dislikable teacher about 10 points ... bringing him up to -2355 ... give or take. This man required us to see a movie for our exam. Never mind that costs money and I'm a poor waitress, but I have no car! And the movie was some independent foreign film that showed one time a day (I had to get off work) in a theatre down town ... that's like 40 min away from campus ... and I have no car ... and he told us this like a week before the exam ... I hate him ... but it was an essay so I surely got an A ^.^
Stat was what I was really worried about as the ease of the first test lead me astray into paths of class skipping. I think it panned out alright, cross your fingers for the B. The good news is as of Monday I will never again take a math class. w00t!
So on Friday night was supposed to be my night for Warcraft. But I pulled a muscle in ballet on Tuesday and it'd been bothering me allot. It looked like Jon was gonna get to play while I soaked in the shower, trying relieve my tummy. But I was unsuccessful, and the muscles in my back were starting to tense up. I ended up in Jon's bed, crying, a stabbing pain hitting my tummy every time I would breathe. I argued for a good hour that the hospital was expensive and dying was free ... but Jon called Scott over and I had all the symptoms he was w/ appendicitis ... so I gave in and Jon took me to the hospital. They took blood (which was traumatizing enough) and I sat there trying not to cry ... I SO cannot afford surgery right now ... the money for that and my teeth and school ... it's just not there.
Scared as I was Jon was wonderful. He was almost as amusing as my Dad woulda been, and anyone who has seen my father in the emergency room knows how impressive that is. Seriously perfect, kept my mind off things by messing around the room but still sweet and concerned, spotted me the cash for the payment they wanted up front. Every nurse and doctor who came to see me leaned over the bed and said something along the lines of "he seems like a great guy, you should keep him." I intend to ^.^
Long story short my pulled muscle was a bladder infection that robbed me of my last two shifts at Outback Winterpark but scored me some nice drugs. I spent most of the weekend asleep or sick from the meds ... but I was well taken care of ^.^ and I'm all better now.
At the moment I am sitting at Poppop's comp in North Port. There's a router right in front of the monitor, the cords split evening in opposite directions connecting me and Jon to the internet at the same time. There is gonna be nothing but us and Warcraft till the Grents return ^.^
Being back here is stranger than I thought it'd be. It's the smells, the street corners, random little things that remind me of a time that I've been whiting out for over a year now. But there's no real danger anymore. It's not so much fear that the battle's not over ... I'm just a little shell shocked still.