
Jan 24, 2005 13:23

Current Mood: okay I guess
Current Music: Avenged Sevenfold
Current Taste: peanut m&m’s
Current Annoyance: my mom, she keeps calling me
Current Favorite Group: Avenged Seven Fold or Senses Fail
Current Book you're reading: Secrets
Current CD in CD Player: My Emo Mix
Current DVD in player: Drive Thru Records #2
Current Color Of Toenails: natural
Current Refreshment: mountain dew
Current Worry: whether I have homework or not

You Touched: Mr. Mo-Mo
You Talked to: Steven
You Hugged: Steven
You Instant messaged: Courtney
You Yelled At: My Mom
You Kissed: Steven….:(

Food: pineapple pizza
Drink: Mountain Dew
Color: Black, red or green
Shoes: my brown Circas
Candy: Hershey’s with almonds
Animal: Kitties!!
TV Show: The O.C.
Movie: Grind
Vegetable: Baked Potatoe
Fruit: Pineapple!!
Cartoon: Classic Looney Tunes

Understanding: yes
Open-minded: sometimes
Arrogant: no
Insecure: of course
Interesting: ask around
Friendly: yes
Smart: I would like to think I am
Moody: omg yes
Childish: sometimes
Independent: no
Hard working: yes
Organized: sometimes
Healthy: no
Emotionally Stable: no, I’m a damn emo kid!
Shy: not as much as I used to be
Difficult: I’ve been known to be
Attractive: no, not at all
Bored Easily: yes,
Messy: look at my room
Thirsty: as a matter of fact I am
Responsible: yes
Obsessed: yes
Angry: no
Sad: yes, I started thinking bout the day Steven moved.
Happy: yes
Hyper: no
Trusting: yes
Talkative: depends who I’m talking to

[spell your first name backwards] yelhsa
[where do you live] Maryland
[four words that sum you up] I am get jealous.
[hairbrush] pink
[jewelry worn daily] Steven’s charm bracelet
[pillow cover] stars
[coffee cup] orange with daffy duck on it
[shoes] brown circa’s
[cologne/perfume] cool water for her
[piercings] nope
[wishing] that Steven would be more open with his feelings
[after this] I will mess with pictures
[talking to] mom
[fetishes] plaid shirts
[some of your fav. movies] grind, a walk to remember
[somthing youre looking forward to in the upcomin months] prom
[last thing you ate] pineapple pizza
[something youre hella afraid of] spider crickets
[if you could have any animals as pets what would they be] a cat, or leopard
[three places you want to vacation at] Jamaica, Australia, and Amsterdam
[some of your fav. foods] pineapple pizza, chicken patti’s
[something you wish you could understand better] Steven
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] Steven

[like candles] yes, I love yankee candles
[like incense] no, I cant stand it
[believe in love] yes, I am in love
[believe in soulmates] yes, I think I have found mine
[believe in love at first sight] yes
[believe in forgiveness] yes
[want to get married] yes
[want to have kids] yes

[cried] no
[bought sumthin] yes a cd
[gotten sick] I had a headache
[sang] at least 10 times a day
[eaten] yes
[been kissed] yes
[felt stupid] yes
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] no, I always tell them I love them
[met someone new] nope
[moved on] no
[talked to an ex] no
[missed an ex] nope
[talked to someone you have a crush on] yes, Steven!
[had a serious talk] yes
[missed someone] yes
[hugged someone] yes
[fought with your parents] of course
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] nope

[best friend] Chelsea and Steven
[current dating partner] Steven
[hobbies]  guitar, skateboarding, photography, going to local shows
[pager/cell] cell phone
[car you drive] My 1984 Bronco II
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] on a date
[job] I work in the summer stripping…..lawnmowers
[attend church] every once in a while
[like being around people] yes

[who is your role model] no one
[pet peeves] people who drive in the rain or snow with no lights on
[ever liked someone you had no chance with] yes, up until steven
[ever lied to your best friend] umm…
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you] all the time
[cried over the opposite sex] all the time
[have a certain "type" of person you go after] skater, band guy
[rather be [dumper or dumped] dumper
[rather have a relationship or "hook-up"] relationship
[what is your fav. part of your physical appearance] the way I dress
[what is your fav. part of your emotional being] I don’t know
[are you happy with yourself] sometimes
[are you happy with your life] right now I am

Three things on my desk:
1: soda can
2: Alternative Press Mags.
3: cd’s
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: typing this
2: talking to my mom
3: looking at live journals
Three things I can do:
1: talk
2: sleep
3: strip lawnmowers
Three things I can't do:
1: talk to guys
2: dance
3: kill
[x] love is: wonderful
[x] first love: Steven
[x] love or lust?: Love
[x] best love song: There Is by Box Car Racer
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: for some people, but not me
[x] when love hurts, you: write a song
[x] true or false: all you need is love: true
_______Opposite Sex_______
[x] turn ons: plaid shirts, eyes, accent, shaggy hair
[x] do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: no
[x] what kinda hair style?: shaggy
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: wiped my tears when I was crying 
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: concerts
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: hell no, I aint no hoe
_______Picky Picky_______
[x] dog or cat: cat
[x] short or long hair: I don’t know
[x] sunshine or rain: sunshine
[x] moon or sun: moon ;)
[x] hugs or kisses: kisses
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1best friend
[x] summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: written
[x] playstation or nintendo: playstation
[x] car or motorcycle: truck
[x] house party or club: house party
[x] sing or dance: sing
[x] freak or slow dance: slow…its so romantic
[x] how are you today? Okay I guess
[x] what pants are you wearing right now? Plaid pajamas
[x] what shirt are you wearing right now? Ron Jon Surf shop
[x] what song are u listening to right now? Buried A Lie-Senses Fail
[x] how is the weather right now? Sunny, but cold
[x] last person you talked to on the phone? Steven
[x] last dream you can remember? Last night, steven stood me up at prom
[x] who are you talking to right now? No one
[x] what time is it? 1:10

Current mood: happy
Current taste: candy
Current annoyance: my cat
Current smell: my deodorant
Current thing I ought to be doing: changing the turtles
Current desktop picture: me and steven
Current crush: Steven
Current favorite celeb: Adam Brody
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: weed
Have sex?: not yet 
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Remember your first real love?: yes, he still is my love
Still love him/her?: yes
Read the newspaper?: yes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
Believe in miracles?: yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes
Consider love a mistake?: nope
Like the taste of alcohol?: I like Jack Daniels
Have a favorite candy?: yes
Believe in astrology?: sometimes
Believe in magic?: yes
Believe in God?: yes
Got to or plan to go to college?: I hope
Have any tattoos?: I want one
Hate yourself:sometimes
Have a secret crush?: no
Do they know yet?: no
Have a best friend?: yes
Wish on stars?: yes
First crush: Shawn Ridgeway in kindergarten
Single or taken?: TAKEN
Describe your ideal significant other: taller than me, has a accent, blue eyes, dresses nice, smells good, very sweet, knows how to make me happy

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothin?: yes
Have you ever been intoxicated?:yes
Favorite place to be kissed?: the neck
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": haha…Stevens brother Ryan walked in on me and Steven once
Are you a tease?: ask steven…ahah
Shy to make the first move?: yes, but I did have to ask steven out

Dated one of your best friends? no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: yes
Drank alcohol? yes
Broken the law? yes
Run away from home? no
Broken a bone? no
Played Truth Or Dare? yes
Kissed someone you didn't know? Hell no
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: n’sync
What is your bedroom like: pink walls, messy
Your favorite thing for breakfast? sausage

talked to in person? My mom
IMed: Courtney
hugged: Steven
kissed: Steven
had a serious conversation with: Steven
yelled at: My Mom
befriended: I don’t know

What's on your bedside table?: cd’s
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? salad
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: A Walk To Remember
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: everything
Do you know anyone famous?: no
Describe your bed: comfy
Spontaneous or plain?: I’m predictable
Do you know how to play poker?: somewhat
What do you carry with you at all times?: cell phone
How do you drive?: people say I’m a bad driver

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