What better time to announce that I'm home than at 3am? I don't usually suffer with jet-lag, but during the day I've been falling asleep on every surface I touch and then waking at ungodly hours. So hiiiii everyone, I've missed you all ♥ I hope you're all doing well and I haven't missed anything drastic over the past two weeks
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Comments 18
I sadly read your note to the very end but didn't get the last part, so you can feel safe? XDD
oh god, you were in Japan!!! :O
Ah.. well, maybe that's a good thing? :3; Liking X/1999 before JE has given me a predisposition to liking gorey things T__T;
I go quite often ^^; I actually thought of you a few times when I saw Tsuyoshi (and had no idea what was happening and would have needed you to explain) xD;
uhmm. Can I ask what youkai world reclamation is? I saw it in your userinfo but can't find out what it is, just that a lot of people list it o3o
ah, I for sure do like gorey things too~~ not sure if it was because of X exactly, but I doubt not it had it's influence on me too XD
I do not have anything against splatters, horrors and un, tortures. dark kinks I have huh XD
aaah you saw Tsuyoshi :D? how XD? and ah, I was thinking about you too~~ like 'when will you come back'~~
ah that, hahaha. that is related to Saiyuki fandom :) (m&a series) there was this one Saiyuki scans lj page and as a requirement to belong was to put in "Youkai World Reclamation" in your interests XD it's related to Saiyuki's plot, though I wouldn't add this from my own free will, lol.
you're the first person that got interested and asked me about that XD
It's fine ♥ Everyone is so busy recently ;3;
Well, then.. There was a scene in the drama where to prove he wasn't human, he picked up a knife and stabbed his arm. And I just couldn't look away *___* I found X when I was 11, and the scene where Fuuma pins Kamui down with the sword through his hand/pole through his leg was what made me realize I liked dark things xD
That's good to know! A lot of my kinks are dark, but it's an awkward subject sometimes xD Though I guessed from X and those fan MVs you sent that maybe yours would be too
I think he must have been promoting something? He seemed to be on a lot of tv shows and magazines, but sadly I didn't understand any of the things they were talking about >:
Oh~ I used to like Saiyuki. I love anything yokai related, so I wondered if it was maybe a series I was missing out on or something xD Thanks for explaining x3
I look forward to Japan posts if you make any, don't feel pressured though cause I know you always have a lot on your plate girl :3
Also did you see Jin's new single thing? @____o Jason Derulo?? Thatguyissopopularit'scrazy.
I really want to do a post for once in my life.. I need to make a new lj and everything first though. Hopefully I'll get round to it before I forget everything that happened xD
What is this, how do you manage xD idk much about them other than that there's quite a lot of them. Uh. Are you having fun with them? And yeaaah I dunno, Jin's a dick recently. I still love the guy to pieces, but. he's a dick :I
OH BY THE WAY I can't remember if you've seen my new tattoo? xD Did you see the big one now it's finished?
Oh I saw that, why the hell do you need another LJ? hahah I never understood you switching accounts...
lol I've been having trouble keeping up with all them all hahahah I have my favorites and that's about it. I consider them sex objects, so learning their names isn't important to me.
hahahah how is he a dick? *knows nothing current*
and no I don't think I have seen it! showmeshowme
I want to move on~ I've spent the past two years making huge changes as a person, and I don't want to feel restricted in making new friends or speaking up online because all of my past is on this account.
What the hell xD Never have a I seen someone so blatant. idek who they all are, but I'll hopefully assume they're pretty ;P
He just. He just is. You may not think so xD The way he behaves when he's ~being American~ just isn't the Jin I love. Search his PV for Test Drive.
It's here :D http://sou-kiri.livejournal.com/303552.html
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