☇ o6 : dream

Sep 13, 2011 01:04

Effects: Abandonment. Loneliness. Confusion.
Warnings: None? TL;DR. Rather disjointed.

The dream begins brighter than any other dream Riku's had thus far as the distant voices of a trio of teenagers are heard. For most people, they wouldn't recognize these three kids at all. To those who are from Destiny Islands -- of course they would recognize them! It was Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie. The back ground was the lush canopy that seemed to protect the small Island from everything else from their world (darkness excluded), despite what had happened to it years prior. After Sora and his friends had saved the worlds; the evil that once pulled the people of the worlds apart seemed as if it was never even there. Riku liked to think that it wasn't either. The teenager practically dropped everything once he noticed that the trio was training to join in on the 'fun'. Teenager or not. Some things never changed for Riku and besting people at things was one of those things. Not that he would be as boastful as he had been before however. The keyblader had abandoned the idea of summoning his keyblade for...grabbing a wooden sword, the same that Tidus looked like he was carrying before approaching the trio with a smirk on his face.

"Hey guys," he didn't seem as 'awkward' in butting in as he was sure he must have looked. Since the look on the others faces was that of confusion. "It's been a while. Why don't we see if you still can't take me. Three to one." He expected the reactions to be as they were before. Tidus would huff and puff before getting ready to throw himself into the fight. Selphie would pout and say something like to tease him. Wakka would lazily spin the blitzball on his finger and say 'Yer on man'. But none of those reactions came. The three of his island friends just continued staring at him before Wakka finally decided to speak up.

"We know what ya did, man." Riku's brow arched up in confusion, looking between the three of them. "Not cool."

Tidus spoke the next time, putting away his 'sword' that he was messing around with before the other boy had come over. "We thought we'd never see home again cos of you, Riku." Selphie put her hands on her hips, standing near the blonde haired boy. "Well, if it wasn't for Sora we would still be lost on another world. You're really selfish, Riku."

"Not to mention bad news." Wakka added lastly before the trio started walking away before Riku, more or less, pushed passed the three of them to stand in front of them. He did not understand this. This reaction. He merely thought everyone on the island perceived everyone else to be lost. Not that he was to blame for everything that had happened when the Heartless had finally made it to their home. Riku felt his heart drop a little in his chest at the idea that the three of them had decided it was his fault that it had happened. Forget the confusion of them discovering that he was ever involved. It was something that he could figure out sometime later. "What are you guys talking about? Who told you ab--"

"--It doesn't matter who told us, Riku." Tidus interrupted before starting to move past the other teenager. Riku wanted to stop the three of them. Really he did. When he had gone to move he found his body just wasn't listening to his brain. The ability to speak, to plead his case to the three of them disappeared before he just wanted the three of them almost vanish. Riku didn't like this feeling. Of being defeated. Of being abandoned. But Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie weren't his only friends. He knew that much. He, at least, still had Sora and Kairi on the island. The King somewhere amongst the stars. The teenager had barely gotten a chance to catch his breath before the world around him grew a bit dimmer, dusk. Or was it daw--No, it was dusk. Riku turned around the moment he figured out he could move his body to see the King standing there. He wasn't at the Island anymore. He was in Twilight Town, the place where he had spent the most time watching Roxas. The place where he had made sure Sora would awaken. Sora...

Maybe he was there somewhere? The sudden idea of locating his friend popped into his head, motivating him to push himself forward. He didn't have to put too much thought into his destination it was simple in his mind. The Old Mansion; where DiZ had put his friend to rest until everything was settled with his nobody. He didn't bother pausing at the landmarks, reminiscing was never really his 'thing' to do. All he could think about was finding his friend for some odd reason, trying to make sense out of what was going on as he pushed open the door to the Mansion. It was unchanged. As the Island was before it. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing out of place. It was just as it had been when he was first there. He could mull over the details all he wanted but it didn't change the fact that this was happening. This was a dream. It had to be a dream. Missing out on the trio was alright, he could deal without them. Riku continued down the long corridor, growing silent as he came to the white room where the King was standing with Kairi. Oddly enough, the girl was wearing Namine's white dress. The King seemed unfazed by that new appearance and more concerned about Riku's sudden appearance. Riku seemed to have come in while they were discussing something.

"...King Mickey?" Riku's voice was teeming with confusion before looking at his traveling companion before looking over to Kairi. "Kairi?" He blinked for a brief moment. Still no sight of his best friend, but this would do for now. Usually he'd feel as though he was in his own comfort zone around either of the two people in front of him. Two people he trusted more than anyone else in the worlds before he took a step forward. And Kairi took a step back.

King Mickey took a step forward, bridging the gape between the both of them. "Riku, what are you doing here?" The mouse demanded before the boy stared, confused, down at him him. "I thought it was made clear by the others." Riku was almost stunned for a moment, the others? Did the King mean the islanders? People he was sure he had never met and the only knowledge he had of them was the conversations Riku would start up about all of the others on the Island that were raised along side them.

"Mickey and me were talking Riku. Everyone else agreed..." Kairi moved forward, arms to her sides as she looked on at her confused looking companion. Riku didn't really understand what was going on. "Agreed? Agreed on what?" It didn't seem too much to expect answers to what was going on. "We don't want you around us anymore, Riku. I don't want you around me anymore." Riku grew quiet for a brief moment as he looked on at the red head before him, the King glancing between the both of them. "You should never have come back. We were all better without you." The older teen didn't know what to say. It was almost exactly like before as Kairi moved passed him and he was unable to make a sound. The Princess of Heart continued walking...further and further into the white of the room before disappearing from sight that Riku almost forgot he wasn't the only one in the room until recognized the swift sound of a Keyblade being summoned. Movement was allowed back to him as he moved quickly out of the way of the King's blade.

"Mickey! What are you doing? We're friends!" Riku didn't summon his weapon, he didn't even try. Or at least he thought he didn't. He might have. Riku hardly even knew what was going on anymore as the King stood his ground as the teenager remained on guard. "You don't understand it. That darkness within you is always going to be a threat. I'm sorry..." Riku didn't actually know what to say to the apology. The King was sorry...for what? Making him believe that he could have done something else. That he could rise above it. He thought he did. The King moved forward, prepared to attack relentlessly. But Riku didn't summon his weapon still as he moved back, towards the door before swinging it open and shutting it quickly behind him before the King could follow him and turning to look...

Into the General's living room. The silence that seemed to crowd it sort of...made his chest ache as he stepped a little forward. "General Sep--" He was cut off by seeing Zack come down the stairs. The normally smiling superior, scowling at the sight of him. Riku knew right off the bat that it wasn't a good sign as he looked on at the other teen. "Zack..." The Buster Sword was no where in sight, luckily. He didn't think he would attack him with it as the King had done so in the room before this one as he took a step forward. Soldier had ran downstairs after his Master's friend only to stop short of reaching Riku, teeth showing as a growl rumbled through him. "I don't know what's going on. Everyone seems to be against me..."

"And why wouldn't they be?" Zack stated, folding his arms in front of his chest. "I don't think you've ever told us what you've done to get their forgiveness. I'm not really sure you should even think about joining our group. You might just end up stabbing us in the back in the end. Your track record isn't exactly the most spotless one on record." Riku didn't exactly know if he should argue with that or not. But then again, there was a lot that Zack and Sephiroth didn't know about his life. They weren't really the best judges. Especially since the Riku they were associated with did everything in his power to protect his friends. But Riku looked to the pair for guidance and respected the both of them. Riku was about to open his mouth before the door behind him slammed shut and he spun around, looking up at the SOLDIER General who had made his entrance. The silver haired boy felt twenty times smaller than he actually was just at the sight of the look in the man's eyes as he looked on at him. Sephiroth. He respected him. His opinion meant as much to him as his own opinion of himself, sometimes a little more. He was the first person he looked up to when it came to being trapped in this dream world.

Sephiroth remained silent as he looked on at the Keyblader. Riku, on reflex, lowered his head like a child about to get yelled at by his parent. Even if he didn't expect anything to come out of Sephiroth's mouth in way of a parent lecturing their children. "I don't know what you're expecting by coming here, Riku." Sephiroth spoke and the entire room lost it's color. All except for the General's eyes, Riku's head dropped even more. "Do I need to repeat what Zack said? You are no longer welcome here. Leave." Riku didn't exactly feel...anything for the most part. Sephiroth was the closest thing to a father figure that he had, had in a long time. The teenager didn't know whether to say something in regards to that or not. He knew better than to question what Sephiroth said. But of course, questioning Zack didn't seem too bad since the other teen was always the most approachable of the two. Riku moved closer to Zack before Soldier moved in on the attack, snapping fiercely at the Keyblader before he backed up. Only to bump right into the General. All thoughts froze for a moment before everything blacked out once again just as Zack was walking over to them carrying something in his hand.

The noises of the Island woke him up once again.

They weren't as welcomed as they had been prior to the remainder of the dream before he opened his eyes. Half expecting to be the makeshift sheath to the Buster Sword or Masamune. There was no sight of any of them though. Riku rose to his feet as he glanced around the crumbling island. Just as it had been before, when Sora was fighting Ansem. Riku glanced down at himself, wearing the outfit he had been in while possessed. It only took him a couple minutes to figure out that he was in his former body. Younger, more foolish. It wasn't until Sora came running up in his red jumper that all the stress of looking for his friend. His best friend had been released before Sora stared him down. This wasn't something that was welcoming. There would be no joking around. No laughs. Sora looked like he wanted to fight him. Like the worlds depended on it. Riku wondered quietly if this was a memory now. "Sora," he started but stopped short of continuing the conversation as his friend retracted the Keyblade.

"You thought you could change, didn't you?" Sora started and Riku didn't know whether to punch the dream version of his friend or not. "I can't forgive you for what you did, Riku! I can't!" Sora shouted at him and the words hurt more than being stabbed. Riku didn't say anything to it however. It wasn't for him to say anything as he narrowed his gaze at his friend. "I wasted my time...looking for you. When did you ever do anything for me?" Riku had watched over him. He had spent hours upon hours making sure that he would come back to the world after deciding to go to sleep and recover his memories. When he had realized the mistake he had made following the steps into darkness, he had held Ansem back. His friend seemed to realize Riku's own thoughts because at the final one the other boy started to break out into laughter. Nearly falling over. "You think that's enough? Our home went into darkness because of you. Because you wanted to leave that world."

"That's not true! It was only a matter of time before the Heartless got there Sora. They would have come for Kairi with or without me there!" Riku wasn't just going to stand back and allow him to beat him down. Even if...

Even if...

"Donald and Goofy...they're better friends then you ever were." Sora smirked as he looked on at his friend as the world started darkening around them. The ground quaked beneath their feet. "Are you scared, Riku? Are you finally realizing how alone you are?" Riku was scared. He was terrified. No matter how close his friends were, he knew how fragile the ties that were there connecting them were. Or at least he thought they were fragile. "Riku..." Sora continued on, saying something else as wisps of darkness started circling around the older Keyblader before he was engulfed in it. Engulfed. Consumed by it.

"Don't worry, Riku, you still have me." Ansem's voice echoed loudly through the darkness.

[ Riku jolts awake, staring blankly in the darkness before turning his attention over to the dreamberry. Oh... fantastic. Just what he wanted. The silver haired teen scowls deeply before just tossing the 'berry across the room. He doesn't want to deal with this. But still, the dreamberry is still facing him as he turns his back towards it. Staring at the wall. Unable to go back to sleep, but not really feeling ready enough to get out of bed. ]

emo riku is emo, consumed by darkness

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