I'm pretty sure I can do this here, I saw somebody doing it... [ahem!]
Listen closely now! I have a real find for you great Meisters out there! He's tall, dark, handsome, sometimes totally grouchy and always focused! The best Weapon you could get your hands on! He says he turns into some kind of three barreled gun, how's that for snazzy?
But he's only up for serious business! No dawdling, no gawking, now let me hear you bids!
[Can't have a Weapons ad without a picture right? So the video flickers on with
this image:
smashed up against the screen. Yuffie's still talking in the background, but she's not taking that picture down because ~ anonymity ~ even though... she kind of already gave herself away with the drawing. What, she couldn't leave it without some kind of signature!]
I'd use him myself, but it's my not style. Come on, don't be shy!