[Hello, Death City. How is that post-bloodbath recovery going for you? Just spiffy, you say? Well, you may want to rethink that when you take a look at this video, then.
This transmission posts itself ANONYMOUSLY on the network; there is no specific account behind it, nor does there seem to be someone responsible for it-- wait. Just what is happening here?
It’s the recording of a surveillance camera: specifically, the one set in Adachi’s chamber, as you can see by the
bag wrapped in caution tape. And just as quickly as this transmission started,
Eruka Frog appears on screen and begins the motion of unravelling the bag, but before you can see anything else, the image twists and there’s nothing more than static, indicating that something must have happened to the camera.
You’re left in the dark as to what happened next... but you already know how terrifying it all was, don’t you?
There are a few more seconds of static before the feed is terminated as abruptly as it began.]
((OOC NOTE, PLEASE READ! As you can see, this post is basically basically Eruka Frog starting what might be a move to unseal Adachi. The transmission happens pretty quickly and anonymously, which means Near isn’t the one responsible for this, even though his account is being used for this post. The sudden static on screen happens because the camera exploded from the sheer amount of Madness Wavelength.
Feel free to have your character reply / react to this post, although there will be no replies. There will be an agency post after this, explaining wtf just happened.))