de-faulty-cloud &
wutaisroseLocation: Football Field.
Rating: PG - PG-13?
Time: September 5th, evening - after
Description: Yuffie wants to figure out her ability, she's been told the best way to do it is in battle so she 'suggested' a fight with Cloud.
On her arrival to the empty field Yuffie realized this might not have been the best idea. Out of all of AVALANCHE he was maybe not her best opponent, and it was true that he had beaten her once before. Granted, he had two others with him so the fight had been absolutely and completely unfair. Not to mention this wasn't a fight-fight, just... a warm-up? or a practice. Well, he was helping her regardless of what it was, and so long as he didn't have his gigantic sword she was pretty sure she had a good chance of getting a few hits on him. Nothing serious, she reminded herself though she was grinning ear to ear at the mental image of him kissing her boots and apologizing for even trying to lay a finger on her.
Ah, it would be a moment to remember. "I should have brought a camera," she mused to herself, then glanced around. He would be here any minute! Unless he chickened out. Then she could just laugh and tell everybody the Great Cloud Strife ran away from fighting a small girl like herself.
While waiting she took a glance up at the moon, that creepy thing, frowning a little at it as her arms crossed over her chest. At least there wasn't anybody else around. And sweet Leviathan it was hot out. "Should'a picked a different night," she groaned, looking back down again. Yuffie liked being a spontaneous kind of person, but with conditions like this she would consider being a more thoughtful type in later scenarios.