suchselfishness &
karmafreeLocation: England
Rating: PG
Time: November 8
Description: After a few days of rest and recuperation, Rhode and Mukuro take a trip to her most familiar place for a mission and some exploration.
It was the first time eating a soul had felt more than mildly pleasant for Rhode, giving her a much-needed boost of energy after the drain of their battle. Odd, to feel indifferent about a fight; it was a welcome distraction, of course, but the usual thrill of a kill had been severely lacking today.
At least they were far away from Death City, for a while. It felt easier to breathe in this cooler air, with the familiar scent of rain and moors to make her feel right at home.
The cool weather allowed a bit more coverage for her unfortunate scars, as well; it was nice, to be able to glance at her arms and see a comfortable cardigan sleeve instead of the mess Nea had left behind. Normalcy was here, standing in a familiar place in a world she didn't belong in, without anyone to notice something had happened and ask question she didn't want to answer.
"D'you suppose we could go to the city?" Rhode brushed her hair out of her face as she turned back toward Mukuro, stepping away from the place where their prey had fallen. "I don't know if they have gelato or anything so nice, but I think I'd like to see if some things are the same."