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Ronald + Any Meister knick_knox May 8 2011, 22:37:13 UTC
[Ronald happened to be a little late to the meet this morning. Having just started a new job, it had kept him out late, not that he hadn't had an amazing time, but well he rolled out of bed, looked at the clock and threw some clothes on and rushed out the door. If you look closely you can see he missed a couple of buttons on his shirt.]


lethalgrace May 10 2011, 08:35:43 UTC
( xiao qiao has become quite attentive of...buttons since arriving so of course she notices. That and his face looks familiar. )

Oh! You're missing buttons! ( ... )

You're Master Garden Shears, aren't you? ( since she never figured out exactly what a lawnmower was. )


knick_knox May 10 2011, 18:43:09 UTC
Good morning Miss. Wai--buttons! [He glances himself over and indeed notices the buttons he missed.] Well isn't that embarrassing.

[He moves to remedy this while giving her a sheepish smile.] Garden shears is actually my superior, but yes. You're Miss Xiao Qiao?

[He says it slowly to make sure he's pronouncing it right, and gives her an apologetic look afterwards in case he messed it up at all.]


lethalgrace May 13 2011, 01:57:27 UTC
Oh don't worry, they're cute~ ( there is something about silly men who can't keep themselves tidy that is a bit endearing. that or she will now forever see him as a little boy. )

Right, you said you were a...a... ( give her a second )

Lawnmower? I'm still not sure what that is. ( she can't imagine it, they didn't exactly have lawns nevermind something to trim them with. )

Yep, that's me! And you're... Master Ronald? ( it's okay, you can butcher her name and she can butcher yours! )


Re: Ronald + Any Meister putsbuttonsonit May 10 2011, 13:44:31 UTC
[This late arrival caught Nago's eye... His hands twitched at his disarray, the meister setting his jaw.]


best CR knick_knox May 10 2011, 18:36:45 UTC
[Ronald doesn't notice his disapproval as he approaches with a smile and a wave.] Good morning!


and i will leave my >:(face on putsbuttonsonit May 10 2011, 18:40:56 UTC
The same to you.

[Nago crosses his arms and looks... relatively annoyed. He waves a hand outward to the other]

Please fix yourself. You are not properly dressed.


:D knick_knox May 10 2011, 18:47:18 UTC
Not Prop--

[He blinks for a moment before feeling at his shirt and looking down. Indeed it would seem as if he'd missed some buttons in the rush out the door, so he quietly buttons them and then gives Nago a sheepish grin.]

Sorry about that. I was in a hurry this morning.


B( <3 putsbuttonsonit May 10 2011, 18:52:56 UTC
Did something unexpected occur?

[HE WILL INVESTIGATE THIS TO THE FULLEST. Nago shifts in his stance a little]


knick_knox May 10 2011, 19:05:21 UTC
Not really. I just woke up a little late. [He glances off to the side with a somewhat annoyed look.]

The three alarms I set for myself didn't go off. [Which is actually a bit of a lie. At least one of them went off way earlier than he would have liked, and still asleep he shut it off completely and hadn't remembered doing it once he woke up. One of the clocks was broken, and one of them was too quiet.]


putsbuttonsonit May 10 2011, 19:57:46 UTC
[Nago is super-annoyed right now! but he looks off to the side]

Those are no excuses. Please strive to do better in the future. If you require it, I can wake you up.


knick_knox May 10 2011, 20:26:02 UTC
[Sheesh, he's just rubbing the back of his neck now. Why did he always get stuck with these types.]

Yes, sir. Waking me up on important mornings might not actually be a bad idea. I work late nights so I like to sleep in when I can.


i'm sorry ronald but buttons are just one of his pings ;^; putsbuttonsonit May 10 2011, 20:30:13 UTC
Fine then. Tell me where your room is located, and then on days when you need to be up, I will be there early.

[it's a small part of what he can do to preserve order and eradicate tardiness and being un-well-dressed and other injustices >:(]

In either case, this is resonance training. Please let us get back to business.


it's all good, he's just similar to Ronald's boss. he's actually used to it. knick_knox May 10 2011, 20:40:38 UTC
Sure thing. I'm in the Casualty Communal apartments 8th floor Room M.

[He stretches his arms up in the air after a second getting ready.]

Right, resonance. [Something he's never done before.] How do we go about it exactly?


now that i think about it... yeah he's like robo-william 8| putsbuttonsonit May 11 2011, 14:10:35 UTC
[One day Ronald will have Nago kicking his door down two hours early and there will be no one to blame for that but Mr. Shinigami]

I will remember that.

Please turn into your weapon form. Please synchronize with me once I try and wield you.


yes lol! also sorry for late. knick_knox May 16 2011, 18:31:14 UTC

[Closing his eyes he focused on what Spirit had taught him about changing into his weapon form. Deep breaths, focus and suddenly Bam! Lawn Mower]


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