justiceisdue and
ghostofaqueen Location: Near the Casualty Communal
Rating: PGish
Time: November 20th, evening
Description: Kerrigan gets back to her old routine in Death City, and Selendis is less than pleased.
The sun is just starting to disappear over the horizon as Selendis makes her way towards the Casualty Communal, where she’ll likely spend the night again. This will hopefully be the last night, with Karkat moving across town so they can be closer to their district, and to each other. She really wasn’t going to tolerate being weaponless in another attack, but the compromises they’ve made are good enough for her. It’s as she’s crossing from one roof to another that she becomes aware of the presence of someone else.
She knows that scent all too well, and she certainly hasn’t missed it over the past week. Kerrigan had already announced she was back in Death City, but Selendis would have been happy to maintain the distance between them. Right here, though, she can’t walk by the ghost when she’s so close to her partner. Karkat may be moving, but it won’t take long for Kerrigan to find him again. It’s better to confront her now, and try to block her from stalking Karkat as much as she can.
It’s not hard to find her - as disciplined and highly trained as terran ghosts are, they’re still human and easy to track for a protoss. She’s not here to attack or startle the woman, but she approaches from behind her with hardly a sound. She stands and stares for a moment, whether or not Kerrigan realizes she’s there, simply observing. Karkat’s window is visible from here, though it's almost perpetually blocked to keep the sunlight out.
Selendis doesn’t move, but makes her presence known: “You will gain nothing from spying on my partner.”