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[Group Four - West Wing - Yuffie, Sasuke, Kasuga] totallynottalon July 1 2011, 17:07:44 UTC
[Hum, this feels familiar. Having gained entry into the compound, rather than get caught up in the thick of the fighting the three ninja had engaged in one of the oldest past times of shinobi - not being seen. Considering how the plan's unfolding elsewhere, this seems to be something completely unorthodox. You'd almost think nobody had attacked and destroyed fortifications before.]

Yare yare, this sure brings back memories. [Even if it wasn't all that long ago for him, this business reminds him an awful lot of his foray into Osaka with Kasuga, though she doesn't remember it. From her perspective, she hasn't done it yet. It's kind of annoying, too - they worked so well together, then.

He's careful to keep his voice down, in any case. Hate to jinx it now. They're almost at their designated location, picking up the pace now as Yuffie's taking the lead, flanked a few steps back by himself and Kasuga. He would've insisted on being first, but... she's the Meister. What can you do?]


totallynottalon July 12 2011, 18:59:25 UTC
[Finally reaching the right spot to set up the bomb, Sasuke quite discreetly gets to work. The notion of wires and detonators is still foreign even if intriguing, but he made triple sure that he knew what he was doing before they all embarked on the highly dangerous mission.

He can't help but become briefly distracted and look up at the echo of Kasuga's voice.] Heh. [Looks like the other Weapon's taking a step ahead of him. It's a bit of a jab to his pride, but at least he's never been one to show off or exert his power in the past. Being a shinobi is something better left understated, after all.]

[The Kishin Egg, on the other hand, suffers considerably more than a jab. Even from an ability activated spontaneously and only through the will of the Weapon, the blades tear open multiple gashes through the Kishin Egg, seriously injuring it. It's enough to throw it off target mid-jump and cause it to fall short, crashing into the ground only just next to Yuffie. It struggles to regain its feet, but tries in vain. It can barely move at ( ... )


wutaisrose July 12 2011, 22:39:37 UTC
[It's one of those split seconds in time where all she can do is freeze, eyes squeezed shut and waiting for severe pain that never comes. It isn't until the thunderous crash that she opens her eyes again, staring in awe at the wounds decorating the injured Kishin Egg, and realizing that it was her own Weapons doing.

Once again, saved by the one she wields. Aerith did it, too...

But now isn't really the time to ponder, and Yuffie takes the opportunity by storm. She crouches down for the extra boost once she's suddenly off the ground, leaping upward at the Kishin Egg and wasting no time to bury the blade into its neck. Don't look... She isn't sure if she wants to say it aloud to Kasuga or herself as she tries to slice through its throat and ultimately behead it, twisting and pushing as hard as she can.]


ablushingblade July 13 2011, 02:39:32 UTC
[ Killing those that dared to oppose her lord or stand up against the kunoichi was something Kasuga had become accustomed to. Matters of life and death were something any properly trained as a shinobi would find themselves hardened to it, and though she was known for letting her emotions get the better of her, she was no different. However, killing a human with the tools of a shinobi was far different than the experience of piecing a creature while they themselves were the blade. No amount of shinobi training could prepare anyone for such a thing.

The deed done, Kasuga wastes no time in allowing herself to revert back to normal. Standing beside Yuffie, she crosses her arms over her chest, staring down at the creature they had worked together to kill. Kasuga allowed herself a deep, yet shaky breath before speaking. ] We have done well.

[ Light brown eyes flicked to Sasuke. ] You have finished?


totallynottalon July 18 2011, 22:43:28 UTC
[Fully beheading someone is a difficult process even at the best of times, thanks to that rather inconvenient mass of bone situated at the back of the neck, but the maneuver is certainly adequate for killing. The soul wavelength-infused Weapon shears through the vulnerable flesh of the Kishin Egg and it can make no sound beyond a gurgle before it suddenly collapses to the ground lifelessly.

Even before blood can begin to pool about the body, there's a flash of light and seemingly appearing from nowhere is the shape of a crimson sphere, floating in midair - a Kishin Egg Soul.]

[Sasuke had returned to his task the moment it was apparent that the fight was settled. He makes a couple more deft movements and then rises to his feet, detonator in hand.] Finished. [Only then he glances over at the remaining soul.] I'm guessing that's yours.


wutaisrose July 19 2011, 22:42:09 UTC
[There's a satisfied air to her as Yuffie laughs, doing a little victory twirl. Her arms pinwheel as she loses balance momentarily, though she catches herself and gives a sigh of relief.] Better than well! We won!

[She turns as Sasuke approaches, hands on her hips and head cocked to the side.] Of course it's hers, you didn't do anything helpful! [But she still grins and takes a step away, back toward the way they had come.]

Now we can get out of here, right? Bet nobody was as fast as we were.


ablushingblade July 20 2011, 03:34:20 UTC
[ Kasuga held in a smile at the meister's display. ] Yes, but we still need to get out of here before we get too excited. The sooner we do, the sooner we return to our new home.

[ The kunoichi returned her attention to the soul that waited for her to take in order to hide hide the smirk that tugged at the corners of her lips. It was all too satisfying to know something that Sasuke did not, however one look at the soul and her expression darkened.

Of course, Kasuga had seen other people take the souls, yet she ignored them the first time she had done her duty as a weapon under the temporary hold of another meister. Now, it looked as if she had little choice. A quick nod of her head and she snatched it out of the air, turning on her heal. ]

Let's go. [ Maybe she could just hold onto it for now... ]


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