Characters: Roy Mustang, observers and the newbies in the DOGS/people who signed up for the new job openings!
Location: The DOGS Office and all around Death City for a bit
Rating: G!
Time: November 30, 1 PM onwards
Description: Fourth formal briefing for the new kids, and separate meetings for new CIC agents, clerks, liaison officers, trainers,
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he skims the crowd, looking for new faces. he already met Hanabi, and he knows the rest of his group to some extent, but he has yet to run into Sakura.
but that shouldn't stop anyone who'd like to poke him!]
((OOC: Prose or action is fine by me, so switch styles if you'd prefer!))
So don't mind her as she watches the crowd of people. She should probably find Sasuke and Naruto, drag them off for food or something similar, but that can happen in a little bit. For the time being, she's actually happy being settled where she is instead. Because since it's vaguely reminiscent of home, it feels just a touch more comforting to be in the room with everyone. ]
Sakura, right.
That's me!
Karkat Vantas, one of your zone leaders. Selendis is the other one, but hell if I know where she is. Probably jumping rooftops and trolling white-haired prettyboys as usual. She's hard to miss anyway, she's like nine feet tall and blue.
She wasn't really expecting any of what was just directed at her, but! Hey, she's started to learn how to take things in stride when it comes to bizarre things in this place. So she just folds her arms in her lap, smiles up at him. ]
It's nice to meet you, Karkat. I would introduce myself, but that's not really necessary, right? [ A pause. ] Um- Do you know Aradia and Feferi, by chance?
Yeah, they're sort of friends of mine. I lead them. [another frown] Jeez, did Feferi talk to everyone in the city? Seems like everybody knows her all of a sudden!
I'm not sure about everyone. I just met them both when Feferi was talking about patron trolls! Aradia is mine, from what they told me about it.
For some reason, my sign gets called Cancer most of the time.
Pleasantries aside, he nods. "So we'll be seeing a lot of each other, probably. It's Karkat. Karkat Vantas."
He watches her as she moves with a little curiosity this time. He'd been quick to brush her off before, but something about her mannerisms is off. Nearly human, but not quite.
She also didn't seem to know exactly what to do with her hands as she stood. While the movement wasn't quick, or out of nervousness, her hands would move slightly, as if guiding her words. And it wasn't just her hands, but her arms, and even the rest of her body, almost as if a gentle breeze was swaying her. "I hope that eventually I will be able to join the patrol I feel like I had already spent enough time sitting. I stole myself a time lord in order to go on an adventure, not to really sit behind a desk, but at least paper-work is still work that helps that I can do while I train."
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