Characters: OPEN to Linz agents, the initial agents coming in from Liechtenstein, and the refugees from Lucerne later on.
Location: Linz, Austria
Rating: PG
Time: December 20
Description: Shibusen Linz also gets its own attacker -- will it manage to fight the Black Clown off?
Event Summary Here By now, it’s become obvious to the new agents that Linz does everything -- or as near to everything as it can manage -- traditionally, in the ways of the old. This fortunately includes security, Shibusen Linz being dependent on sentries, dogs, and even cats for their alarm than any of the machinery or equipment used by most other bases.
The method works tonight. As one, every dog’s ear perks up at dawn and barks and howls fill the air as the animals in the premises go wild. Several run to the maze hedge, only to be torn apart by the still-forming Black Clown there. The sentries immediately both raise the alarm and attempt to investigate -- to their horror, kishin eggs rush for them from the edges of the castle grounds, and they become locked in battle.
The Black Clown doesn’t stop or appear ruffled by the delay, and begins making its ambling way to the castle doors.
[ooc: Feel free to make a thread, just indicate OPEN or CLOSE and location. For the characters arriving from Lucerne, the mirror opens into a vast room that would once have been a throne room.]