Characters: Shuurei (
flowering_tea) and Reborn (
ombrasolare), I guess, if you're in the area...
Location: Casualty Communal, Shuurei's room
Rating: G to PG
Time: December 28th, Afternoon
Description: Reborn drops by to borrow some flour and sugar. He's baking a cake...and if you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you...
In general, Reborn did not consider cooking one of his major talents. It was not a skill he'd ever needed to master, though he could get by, and as a two-year-old it certainly wasn't expected of him.
But then, Reborn did consider defying expectations to be one of his major talents.
But in light of the group he was living near, a stray explosion from the above room not long ago had basically taken out what few groceries he had. And while he could go pester Tsuna - always good for a laugh and a few moments of amusement on a slow day - it occurred to him that he really should get to know his neighbors.
It was only polite, after all.
So Reborn found himself at the door of his across-the-hallway neighbor. Well, one of them; he'd heard some interesting (if painful) atonal music coming from the one closer to him, and now that he knew the source, he chose to bypass that one for the one next to it. 11th floor, Room D.
He raised one tiny fist to knock on the door.