Morning Training happens every day in the city, and most days get handwaved. Once a month a log goes up to play out interactions and teaching. It happens from 6 am to 9 am, and this time it's happening December 31st, in-game.
I'll be linking/indexing once threads are made.
Batch 1: Beginners under the age of fifteen. Taught by Prussia,
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he'll be there early and spend nearly the entire time there, as he is wont to do, and is working on trying to find his inner balance. that being said, he stands a bit apart from everyone else, where he has an unfocused look on his face and is working through the steps of what appears to be tai chi, or something similar to it.]
Kaoru, as a teacher, is keen to note when anyone is struggling particularly in anything, and Sasuke catches her eye. Nodding to who she's teaching, someone with a sloppy hand with the sword, she walks over, tentatively, keeping a respectful length between them as she says quietly: ]
You alright over here?
Sasuke, right? I think we talked a while ago. You told me about those elevator things...Do you mind if I watch for a little bit? I kind of want to get away from the noise myself. You picked a good spot.[ sometimes quiet company helped. she couldn't help it. she was raised to at least try to help someone, even if they didn't want it. at least she could try! ]
pointedly, he turns back around, arms lifting in a wide arc.]
Do what you want.
I usually do.
[ She's be a poor dojomaster if she didn't notice. So instead she nods, seating herself, shinai in her lap, as she begins to meditate herself. ]
It's not much use to me right now with my arm out of comission, but I can beat out the stupidity of my students when it counts.
What happened?
Kishin attack, to put it lightly.
[he didn't recall seeing her there, but...]
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