Dec 28, 2011 18:16

Characters: Clinic staff, patients, visitors, OPEN
Location: Clinic (near Casualty Communal)
Rating: PG?
Time: Jan 12, all day
Description: Open clinic log for great CR!

It was beginning to warm again in Death City, or at least it was no longer freezing. For the clinic staff and patients, though, today was a day to celebrate because the clinic's heater had finally been replaced and a new set of tables for eating had been added to one of the emptied storage rooms.

Someone had seen it fit to celebrate the new furniture by bringing food for everyone. Some patients aside, today was turning out a good day for all.

[ooc: Just put the title of your text in either the subject line (we have s2 enabled) or the body of your text. Feel free to jump each other! Coordination last time was here.

shibuya yuuri, kurapika, itou kamotaro, anders, john watson, naomi kimishima, saya takagi, yuri petrov (lunatic), sherlock holmes, derek stiles

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