Business Name: Fatal Frames Building Letter and Unit Number: Building B, Units 7 and 8 Nature of Business: An art gallery for Rei to showcase all of her photography Owner's Inbox: Here
Number of Employees Needed: 4 Employee Job Descriptions: At least two people to clean up after hours, one day security person and one night security person! Notes: -very flexible schedule as Rei can and will take over what she can. -Employees must be able to handle Justin Law
Building Letter and Unit Number: Building B, Units 7 and 8
Nature of Business: An art gallery for Rei to showcase all of her photography
Owner's Inbox: Here
Number of Employees Needed: 4
Employee Job Descriptions: At least two people to clean up after hours, one day security person and one night security person!
Notes: -very flexible schedule as Rei can and will take over what she can.
-Employees must be able to handle Justin Law
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