Business Name: The Awesome Arcade of Awesomeness (Triple A) Building Letter and Unit Number: B-2 Nature of Business: A video game arcade modelled after the kind of arcades seen in Japan (and in Paulownia Mall). Owner's Inbox: Here, along with the tl;dr OOC info.
Number of Employees Needed: 7 Employee Job Descriptions:
MASCOT [1] - to wear a suit or be interesting on his/her own.
SECRETARY [1] - handler of paperwork, keeping things in check.
CLERKS [2] - to redeem tickets for prizes and handle tokoen exchanges.
REPAIR STAFF [2] - to fix broken machines and keep them functioning properly.
JANITOR [1] - depending on what kinda crap those crazy kids will bring in.
Notes: Just a change in management after Junpei was returned by BREW. Business was paid for and founded by Minato and Junpei after the Adachi incident.
Building Letter and Unit Number: B-2
Nature of Business: A video game arcade modelled after the kind of arcades seen in Japan (and in Paulownia Mall).
Owner's Inbox: Here, along with the tl;dr OOC info.
Number of Employees Needed: 7
Employee Job Descriptions:
- MASCOT [1] - to wear a suit or be interesting on his/her own.
- SECRETARY [1] - handler of paperwork, keeping things in check.
- CLERKS [2] - to redeem tickets for prizes and handle tokoen exchanges.
- REPAIR STAFF [2] - to fix broken machines and keep them functioning properly.
- JANITOR [1] - depending on what kinda crap those crazy kids will bring in.
Notes: Just a change in management after Junpei was returned by BREW. Business was paid for and founded by Minato and Junpei after the Adachi incident.Reply
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