Shibusen Technical Institute is a school created by the previous reigning Shinigami-sama for the training of Meisters and Weapons. Its original purpose was to stop the revival of the Kishin, as well as prevent witches from creating a new Demon God. Essentially, it was meant to be a peace-keeping operation.
Its goal has evolved, particularly over the past six months, and it is now the primary Death City militia and the main force battling the witches.
Shibusen Technical Institute is a school created by the previous reigning Shinigami-sama for the training of Meisters and Weapons. Its original purpose was to stop the revival of the Kishin, as well as prevent witches from creating a new Demon God. Essentially, it was meant to be a peace-keeping operation.
Its goal has evolved, particularly over the past six months, and it is now the primary Death City militia and the main force battling the witches.
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