Event Summary HereHere is a list of the people who signed up and where.
The Europe event that was supposed to happen on December 19 will be moved to December 20. Otherwise, the plans remain the same.
On December 17 day change (assume that the agents leave very early in the morning), we will post three logs in the European bases for mingling between the people going there. All the guests are going to be roomed together in barracks with double-bunks in them. Since the agents are meant to be spending most of their days outdoors in the outposts, each room will have the carrying capacity of about a dozen pairs each. All the agents are equipped with cold-weather and camping gear.
Agents can spend some of December 17 wandering the European bases and their rooms, or can head immediately to their posts. We won’t be posting the logs for the individual outposts, but you are free to put one of your own or place it in the logs stated above. So where can you go?:
- Inside the cities. The bases are located in their respective cities, which also have kishin egg problems. not all cities are as well-secured as Death City and kishin eggs trawl through the streets here. Lucerne in particular is a large metropolis of seventeen smaller cities.
- Outside the cities. The cities are surrounded by wilderness or undeveloped areas, which usually houses their own problems. The area to patrol will be within fifty miles of the city proper. Small outpost huts are placed in strategic locations around the cities -- the agents are free to camp out in here or, if their patrols take them far, camp out wherever they find themselves in the night. Please beware of wild animal and kishin egg attacks.
- Liechtenstein agents will have to help with securing the path of the evacuating civilians as they head up to Germany. Your characters can either join them in the trucks as escort, or follow the trail out of the city to clear the path before they pass, which will include taking down kishin eggs and taking care of winter-caused rubble like fallen trees and snow.
- Five kishin eggs for the entire event.
- 1500D$ per day spent in Europe per pair.
- Gratitude!
How will communication work in the bases and outposts?
Communication will just work within the bases and its respective outposts without too much problem, but the network will not work between different bases and Death City because of the large amounts of madness blanketing the area. To contact people in another base or in Death City, the large mirrors in the bases will need to be used -- each character will be allowed a maximum of one use per day for a few minutes, as long as they are in the base and not the outpost.
- Network posts addressed to base-mates will need to be tagged with !europe: lucerne, !europe: linz, or !europe: liechtenstein.
- Indicate the location of the character on the entry header.
- Place the body of the posts under LJ-cut marked with their location. (Optional.)
- Network posts made to Death City via the mirror don’t need the usual placemarks, although you might want to put “posting from Linz/Liechtenstein/Lucerne” somewhere.
All bases will also have the usual medics and doctors available for patching up. Unfortunately, they are a little shorthanded because plenty of them are dispatched to take care of medic needs in the outposts. All medics or those functioning in that capacity can also hop around tending to agents in the outposts.
If you have any questions, please post
here or email us at soulcampaign@gmail.com.
Last minute sign ups can comment
here. Europe will be accepting people who are coming later than December 17, but no later than December 19, please.
You can use this post to coordinate activity with each other.