Ok, why is it so hard to find Harry Potter fics I like!!?! The unfortunate thing is, I've seen some excellent writing... but often for pairings or plotlines that I can't at all see happening and therefore don't read. The unlikeliness factor/disturbance factor just nags at me relentlessly until I stop, despite the quality of writing. This is what
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Comments 47
I must say that I strongly disagree in a lot of what you state here, but I'll leave my comment much later tonight because right now I don't have the time to elaborate a good response ^_^
Rosali (HCR)
Read my fics, please! :D I would LOVE to hear your comments; especially since you have such good argumentative and writing skills.
Was and Will Be is what I like to call my Masterpiece (it's quite long... long chapters), and What is Love? is the one that has recieved the most reviews despite it quite a simple storyline.
They are both at Portkey
Looking forward to your reply! And reviews if you decide to read my fics :D
There are two fic ships that I read - usually it's H/D, but my true and absolutely hardcore one is Harry/Luna. To me, it is the most canonical of all het ships I have ever seen explored and the only one, other than R/Hr, that I can truly see developing in the later books. To me, H/G doesn't cut it, and far worse is TEH H/Hr that I despise. IT'S SO UNREALISTIC AND STUPIDLY SAPPY AND WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO SOMETHING CALLED CHARACTERIZATION
Being disagreeable:
Spinning by Aldalindil
(PG-13 | Harry/Luna) Luna spins a tale of mice and dragons, lions and gold, and a hero who doesn't know her... Set during the spring of GoF. One-sided.
Red String by seldear
(PG-13 | Harry/Luna) They'd never been 'ordinary'. My favorite one so far. ;_;
These are less het ships than gen, but I think there's a bit of Ron/Luna subtext in Observing Ron. Shades of Purple is its prequel and very much gen, but it's really necessary to read firstly in order to enjoy ( ... )
However, I can see where you're coming in both you backed ships, but I could argue most of the resons with just as good counter-arguments. Anyway...
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