Jan 12, 2010 00:24
[The camera is angled strangely, when the recording starts up. For a moment all there is on the feed is ... well, red. Lots and lots of shiny red. And then the PDA gets turned right side up, and propped on something. That gives the DEMISE network a lovely look of the city, and the night sky, from somewhere close to the ground. This changes, when whatever the camera is placed on is lifted up.
There is the crinkling of paper, like that of a paper bag, and then the side of Spain's head comes into view. He adjusts his bags, and there's a better angle of the side of his face. He sighs, knowing he's talking to the PDA, but he still seems fairly cheerful.]
Ay Dios mío... You want to encourage soldiers to fight, you need rations! A hungry soldier is as useful as an injured one, in the end. Even a little food waiting in these accommodations, something so simple as canned or dried goods, will be more encouraging than an empty casa.
Ahhh, but these tomates are so disappointing... maybe I'll grow some of my own...
[Yes, he just spent most of his arrival time at the grocery store. What of it?]
c: yosuke hanamura,
c: ludwig (germany),
c: lovino vargas (south italy),
c: feliciano vargas (north italy),
c: zidane tribal,
c: mei (taiwan),
c: roy mustang,
antonio fernandez carriedo (spain),
c: kiku honda (japan),
c: matthew williams (canada),
c: antonio fernandez carriedo (spain),
c: arthur kirkland (england),
c: gilbert weillschmidt (prussia),
c: yoko ritona,
c: badou nails