[video of luck loosening his tie, undoing a few buttons. yes you are allowed to drool. he looks very displeased. this goddamn place! why is it so warm! mutters under his breath:]
Nevada. Of all places. I never even dreamt of ever setting foot here. Claire probably did, but Claire is --
[turns to face the ... contraption. a pause as luck stays still, frowning, choosing his words carefully. you never know which ones are your allies anymore. he dusts off his hat.]
I apologize. I fail to see the humor here -- and I have to admit, it's a very elaborate ruse ... Regardless, kidnapping is hardly an acceptable protocol, and I cannot negotiate with you under these terms.
I have business to do back in New York and cannot be detained, therefore, I politely decline your call to arms. Is there a way out of this place? I am not exactly in the kindest of moods at the moment, but if anyone has a better explanation than what I just heard -- which was a fair amount of bull, as far as I'm concerned -- I'm all ears.
[ooc: luck'll be going to the
city tour, but either way, he'll keep an eye on this!]