003 | Kuzunoha | Video

May 18, 2010 00:53


[Looks thoughtful as he gazes at the screen. He is at a desk, with papers strewn all over. His notebook is open. His pen is ready.]

Forgive me if this sort of question has been fielded before, but I am incredibly curious...

Would any of you be so kind as to honor me with your opinions on the nature of BREW? I have attempted to study the machine, and have started to compile notes in order to better understand it, and hopefully field a hypothesis that may be of some use to us in the future.

Of course, it would be unfair of me to ask for your opinions without presenting my own. As such, I have compiled a list in shorthand.

[He looks down at his notebook and starts to read.]

First, BREW is capable of both transporting people from other realms to Death City, and from Death City. I am yet to discover the logic behind BREW's criterion for deciding when it is time to bring new people in, or when to remove individuals. Both occurrences appear to happen in waves. Once I manage to establish a pattern, I shall inform everyone immediately.

Second, BREW does not appear to discriminate. Man, woman, human, humanoid, child... the machine has drawn all types of all ages of all races or ethnicity into Death City. It is difficult for me, therefore, to believe the idea that it is attempting to bring in soldiers when a good number of the people from other worlds are noncombatants. Unless, of course, there is something BREW knows that we do not.

Third, BREW is not infallible. As those of us who participated in the battle against Tohru Adachi know or who have been victimized in the recent attacks by Jonathan Crane, not everyone who comes to Death City arrive with the best of disposition, much less the best of intentions.

Fourth, BREW is clearly sentient in some fashion. This would presuppose that there may be a way to communicate with it - we are simply yet to discover the means.

[He turns to a new, fresh page in his notebook.]

With that, I humbly beseech all of you to share your thoughts. I will, provided that none of you mind, record some of your own opinions on my notebook.

I also pray that Shibusen may be able to make use of whatever information is gathered here, as a result of this transmission.


The reception to my proposed detective agency pleases me greatly. I can only hope that I will be able to lead those who have volunteered their services well.

Of course, the establishing of this agency only reminds me of home, and the duties I have been forced to abandon.

I pray that they have found someone else to guard Edo in my stead.

ADDED after his talk with China;

I had forgotten to mention...

BREW also strips us of our inherent abilities, and replaces them with something else entirely: the Meister and Weapon system. The reasons for this remain up to speculation, although I am one to conclude that it is both a defense mechanism and perhaps something that cannot be avoided. A world must adhere to its own rules, after all.

c: light yagami, c: yosuke hanamura, c: arisato minato, c: naminé, c: chie satonaka, c: kurapika, c: jules de ferrier, c: izaya orihara, c: yao wong (china), raidou kuzunoha, c: spirit albarn, c: naoto shirogane

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