[ The video feeds starts and Spain is sitting there with his glasses on looking more important than any of you could ever hope to look! ]
Attention new people and veteran citizens! This just in! Word has it that a masked vigilante has been spotted by several citizens of Death City. You are advised to approach with extreme caution as we do not know what he is capable of.
[ His feed random cuts to a few scenes of Spain in a stylish superhero costume posing and trying to look dangerous. It shoots back to Spain at his desk. ]
Who IS El Conquistador Enmascarado? What does he want? Why is he so devilishly handsome? They say he is only passionately performing good deeds and helping his fellow man. Could he be the answer to finally taking out the witches? I, personally, think he is a menace and must be stopped.
More news at 11.
[ Spain shuts the feed off but seconds too late as he chuckles slightly warmly at his awesome idea. ]