09 | video

Feb 15, 2011 17:53

Looks like even the weather's been gettin' pretty bored with us, yeah? Been a while since somethin' ridiculous happened 'round here; think you guys're losin' your touch.

[he tsks teasingly at the screen, then leans back to blow a stream of smoke]

Anyway, didn't come on to lecture you guys on your lackin' anarchy skills. Mostly just wanted to say you ain't got rid of me yet, even if I been a little quiet lately. That, and I wanted to see if anymore of my buddies booked it since the last time I checked. Raise your hand if you left without tellin' me, assholes.

[he chews on his cigar for a moment, and then adds contemplatively] And I guess I got a hypothetical question for whoever likes answerin' that kinda shit. You figure carcinogens carry over from home? Like, shit that ain't supposed to hurt you but suddenly does here. What're the odds we get a blank slate in killin' ourselves with vices that weren't vices a few months ago?

...haha, man. Think I'm gonna haveta start lookin' for a partner if this is where my mind goes these day. That or start skimmin' the bar's stock! [he laughs and cuts the feed]

c: frolbericheri, c: ludwig (germany), c: kurapika, c: eiríkur ragnarsson (iceland), c: kozato enma, c: sadiq adnan (turkey), c: naomi kimishima, c: yoko ritona, alejandro perez (cuba)

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