Mar 08, 2011 01:41
[The screen was dark, but you can sort of see Prussia's face shining in the Communicator's backlight. He was sitting up with a tired expression on his face.
Someone didn't have a pleasant dream last night.]
You know, when people keep leaving [takes a deep breath, wiping the brow from his forehead] what are you supposed to do?
How many more will... [pause, wincing a bit. Dammit, this arm...] What if I disap--
[There's a grunt and rustling as the person sleeping beside Prussia wakes up.]
Preußen? [Germany pops up on the screen over Prussia's shoulder as he also sits, rubbing at an eye and looking drowsy and squinty in the dim light. His hair isn't gelled up! He says something in German:] What are you doing?
[mumble, mumble, COUGH, also in German] Nooothing. I'm just...showing the people my magnificent face in case people are up at this hour, kesese...
[Germany squints some more.] Are you ill? I will get you a change of shirt. [Aaand he shuffles off in all his muscled, tank-topped glory.]
[HEY, I look just as good in this tank-top--I mean.] I'm fine, West--Oi. Oi! Come back here! [he looks at the communicator and lets out a sigh, rubbing his eyes once more before shutting it off]
(ooc: Replies will be slow on my ends, but will pick up speed after Weds ♥ Posting this up now to avoid backposting too much XD Germany Green, Prussia black)
gilbert weillschmidt (prussia),
ludwig (germany),
c: faris scherwiz,
c: kurapika,
c: katakura koujurou,
c: kiku honda (japan),
c: sadiq adnan (turkey)