Apr 03, 2011 11:46
[The vocal feed is mostly a rush of static and what could be wind. There is also the occasional sound of breathing between the static bursts and crackle of the communicator trying to maintain the connection.]
Th--s is [Crackle] -er--gan.
[Static] -oll-w-ng a [Crackle] frog -nd [More static] -f freaks. They -re [Crackle] --ding s--h across [A loud popping of noise] -sert.
Repeat [A considerable length of static] con--ue to purs--
[Another burst of static and the next words are very difficult to hear beyond the static blasting] No help re--red -et.
[The rest of the report is just a fuzzy blurring of static before it trails off as the communicator either moves out of range or out of battery power.]
[OOC Note: There will be no replies]
sarah kerrigan,
c: eridan ampora,
c: spirit albarn