Sometimes the things i say and do, go a little too far without me even realizing it so please tell me when i do so i can promptly make a mental note on how little i care.And proceed to explore newer and more interesting ways of offending you
class of :how not to deal with a conflict seeker 101 is dismissed
i cant help but think that maybe sometimes i underestimate the lack of comprehension the people around me possess.I convince myself that no one is really that single minded and one dimensionaly incompetent but i have been known to be wrong on occasion
two days of the year i've always hated new years and valintines day i always feel the most alone on these days now matter how good things are going today is no different
i hurt myself lifting a 61 inch tv down my buddies steps....and dislaocated my shoulder in the process ....spent 5 hours in the hospial writhing in pain b4 they put me out dont ever dislocated your shoulder