Characters: the most awesome Gilbert Weillschmidt (Prussia) and Arthur Kirkland (England)
Location: Death City Heights, Room 2B
Rating: PG-13 maybe?
Time: Day 12, sunrise
Description: They can't slack off! The partners need to train! Gil and Art rise at dawn to do so.
Bright and early. Really early.
That morning, Prussia got up at dawn, ready to attack the day! Stretching, he hopped out of the bed and opened up his window, hands on his hips and cackling back at the creepy sun. Even in the morning, Prussia was loud and obnoxious. But this morning, he was particularly more so. He was getting to do what he liked best!
Eating cake alone? NO. He and that blasted England were going to train! They were going to start early before they got busy with the rest of the day, and they were going to train hard. Prussia would make sure of it. Especially since in this new world, they're going to need the training.
England wasn't his standard weapon, and although he had experience with a broad sword, no two weapons were the same. So he would make sure that whatever connection he had with keeping England in his hands would stay there. Even though at first it may seem odd, the two had history and experience with one another. Prussia could accept England as an ally... even if England's food could kill Russia demons.
England could handle Prussia's obnoxiousness, after all. Not many could.
Anyhow, Prussia changed, got himself ready, and quickly bounced over to England to see if he had risen, as well.
"ENGLAND," Prussia yelled, ignoring the fact that West and Italy were still sleeping next door, "IT'S TIME!"