Characters: Haru and Spirit (and a little bit of Katsura sprinkled in there)
Location: Fatality Condominiums, Spirit's unit
Rating: Probably still R, for Haru
Time: October 30th, 31st, possibly a couple dates in November.
Description: Romantic comedy. Haru's on the road to recovery. Really just a continuation of
this log because it was getting a bit too cluttered.
Haru had intended to make breakfast for Spirit -- as a way of saying 'hey, sorry for all the bullshit I put you through.' It's just that once he finally fell asleep, he remained asleep until about two o'clock in the afternoon, and by that point Spirit was long gone. Nygus had been there to attend to him, though. But overall, Haru was feeling alright. A bit stiff and a bit nauseous from the drug use the previous day -- but nothing that didn't fade as the hours passed. If anything, it put him into perspective. His cravings were bad, but they were cravings. He found that he could distract himself from mulling over them too much by talking or by raiding the candy dish for lollipops (which were his new addiction since they filled that whole, drug in the mouth thing).
At the moment, though, he was playing housewife...which was to say that he was in the kitchen, slaving over the stove. Sure, what he was making happened to be eggs, pancakes, and bacon -- breakfast foods -- but technically this was his first meal of the day, and there was no law saying that Spirit couldn't eat these things for dinner. Haru wasn't a chef by any means, but there were times when he would have to cook for the clients in the he knew how to make the basics. To complete the housewife picture, he was wearing an apron that he found...and the instant Spirit came back home, Haru greeted him with a cheerful chirp from the kitchen.
"Welcome back ~ how was your day?"