Characters: Roy Mustang, Aerith Gainsborough
Location: One of the stairwells in Casualty Communal
Rating: Uuuuh. G. In spite of rampant angst.
Time: July 18,
Sometime after this post.
Description: Pep Talks Make the Bad Things Go Away. ALSO SORRY FOLKS WRONG COMM THE LAST TIME. ;w;
Roy stared down hard at the screen of his PDA, watching the exchanges of his other self over the network. He fiddled with the machine every now and then, to replay the video feed.
He wanted to think that he couldn't believe it, that everything was coming as a complete surprise to him, that he wasn't aware. The truth of the matter, however, was that he DID know, and he wasn't surprised.
Of course, he wished that he wasn't.
The alchemist finally shut the PDA off and turned away, patting himself down for cigarettes. He needed one desperately, for the more he burned and focused on burning, the less he'd have to think about the possibility of going out and meeting the thing face-to-face.