Characters: Germany, Prussia, Shaymin
Where: Just off the park.
Rating: Gen, you sick people.
Time: August 3 Morning
Description: Germany and Prussia's idea of brotherly bonding time is training together, which means jogging around the place before or after everyone else gets their training done. Shaymin... is cute.
There was something about jogging that Germany liked. It was easy, not particularly strenuous, yet was enough of an exercise to keep him in good shape while allowing him to move about wherever he pleased. It allowed for multitasking, and things like running errands while exercising.
Today, Germany was jogging with Prussia again, as had become customary for them before or after training with the other guests. He knew that his brother also spent time being active with Britannien, so he was fine if they did not do this every day. As long as Preussen was getting back to his feet…
Eventually, he asked to stop by the park for a break (his brother probably needed it by now, even if Preussen would never say), setting the pack he had brought on a bench. Inside were some bread and wurst - a plain breakfast, to be sure, but enough of a snack before lunch. There was a nearby faucet for their hygiene and drinking needs.
"How do you feel?" he inquired, sitting on one end of the bench so that the food was between them.