FAQ - General

Mar 25, 2010 22:51

What is Soul Eater?

Firstly, and may we stress this point, you do not need to know Soul Eater to participate in and enjoy Soul Campaign.

Soul Eater is a dramatic retelling of historical events of Death City. It follows the story of Maka Albarn, a training scythe technician, and her weapon, Soul Eater Evans. Also included are Black*Star and Tsubaki, Death the Kid and his two very symmetrical weapons, Patti and Liz Thompson.

Soul Eater describes the events leading up to and following the release of the first Kishin, who was sealed beneath the Shibusen Technical Institute.

For further reading, please read this reference

What are inboxes for?

Inboxes are the main form of contact with NPCs.

Every NPC journal has a personalized inbox so that you may contact the characters for both IC and OOC interactions. They can be contacted directly to request their presence in a plot. Their list of personal responsibilities is listed on the NPC profile page.

How does posting work?

Arrivals are all given a communicator that looks like THIS upon their arrival. It allows for texting, audio, and video messaging. All posts are to be made to the main community, soul_campaign.

Your character will get two tags. One which is "character name" and another whichis "c: character name". When you make an entry you are to tag that entry with your "character name" tag. When you make a comment to someone else's entry you are to tag
that entry with "c: character name". YOU are responsible for putting your own tags on, not the creator of the entry. Also, it is important to you make sure to put all your characters in the tag entry linked on your acceptance notice, otherwise you will not get your tags.

Other communities such a soul_logs are for third person logging, soul_ooc is the out of character community, and soul_skirmish is for crack, memes, and spam.

How does time work?

New days typically start on Monday and Thursday nights. These days will be elongated when needed (such as for plot events), however we’ll let you know when it happens.

The timeline of past days and events can be found here.

Due to the nature of the game, we do not allow players to forward-date their logs due to plot reasons. This is because the days are controlled for plot purposes, and players may be unaware to plots designed for the game that may occur on the day they set their log. If you have something that you want to do that requires a log to be set in the future, please contact a mod and we will do our best to help you.

How do languages work?

Everyone speaks one common language. Thanks to BREW, everyone who has been taken from their world automatically speaks English, the primary language of Death City.

They retain their original language(s) as well.

How does the Activity Check work?

Activity Check will be conducted once a month. Activity is key here - if you aren’t looking for an active game, Soul Campaign may not be the game for you. If your character is inactive, your partner will suffer for it.

In order to pass Activity Check, you will be required to post proof of your activity and a link to your post in the bi-monthly How’s My Driving meme.

The requirements to pass an AC are as follows:

Within the month the AC was posted you have to have two of the following:

an entry (with at least seven comments made by your character. Icon-only comments and chain comments do not count.)
a log of more than five comments (three made by your character)
a thread between TWO characters (seven comments made by your character. Icon-only comments and chain comments do not count.)

You will be responsible for posting. If you forget that will be a strike against you. If you fail twice, your character will be dropped. If you pass, you will be allowed to app more characters. The maximum is four.

I want to plot, who do I talk to?

If you would like to do a larger plot, please confirm the details with one of the moderators beforehand. This includes anything that will involve character death, mature or possibly offensive subjects, or serious changes in partnerships. If in doubt, contact a moderator.

For smaller plots or the need of a specific NPC, please contact that character directly through their inbox. Questions regarding partnerships should be directed to those on Shibusen’s staff. Please check the NPC profiles page for specifics.

If you would like to do a plot that would effect the game as a whole, please go to the plot suggestions page.

What are the application guidelines?

Guidelines can be found on the application page here.

Is there a chat, and can people who are considering apping enter?

Yes! We have an irc chatroom, details here. Feel free to join it anytime!

I have a concern that doesn't quite belong in the Questions and FAQ post, don't want to ask in the open. What do I do?

Please feel free to e-mail or IM a mod, or if you wish to remain anonymous, there's a place for that right here!

Can we reuse accounts that are being used in another game?

That is perfectly acceptable.

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