Can I play a character from Soul Eater?
Please head over to the
NPC applications for more info!
How many characters can I app?
To begin with, you are allowed to apply one character, either a weapon or a meister.
After passing your first activity check, you are allowed one more character slot, then after your second activity check in succession (meaning that you pass two activity checks together, and not through hiatus or exemption from having a new character), your third and fourth character slots will become available to you. Your maximum amount of characters is four and you are only allowed two Meisters and two Weapons. You can only have two of each so that we don’t get an overwhelming or uneven number of one or the other, leaving several characters without partners.
What happened to my abilities?
Thanks to the power of BREW, any supernatural abilities you may have possessed have now been stripped. This applies to magic, mutant powers, or otherwise unnatural abilities - they are no longer available to you. Immortality is no longer applicable either; you may be ageless, but you can die.
This may not include all physical abilities, however. Any training, physical strength, or otherwise earned skills have not been affected. The only exception to this would be weapons. If your character can use it as a weapon, it will be taken by BREW. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS. If you're not sure about it being taken or not, you can ask a mod!
This isn’t the end, though. Your powers have been replaced with new abilities. Upon arrival, you have been assigned the role of a Weapon or a Meister, and have received the skills needed to fill that position.
What happens to dropped characters?
It has recently been realized that BREW can return people home at random. Those dropped, unless plotted out otherwise, are returned home.
If someone else picks them up they can do so with their memories from before, or a completely new start. This does not apply if their character died--they will have no memories whatsoever. Typically if a new player has apped a formerly played character, they will not resume the former memories, so do not feel pressured to do so.
I'd like to app someone from a game not released in America/a spoiler character. Am I allowed to do so?
As long as you are taking his information from the games themselves and not just headcanon, it should be fine! In regards to spoiler characters, you are allowed to apply for them! However, we suggest you contact castmates just in case you're worried about spoiling the game for them and see what to do there. If you find yourself stuck, contact a mod and we'll do our best to help you out so you can apply and enjoy the game!
Is it possible to apply for a character in neither the role of a meister OR a weapon? If you can't justify them being either, that is.
Everyone has to either be a meister or a weapon, as this is why BREW is trying to bring in more meisters and weapons to add to the ranks of Shibusen.
I want to app a character with a separate personality, but it seems like these two personalities are two different people. So do I app them together or can I only app one?
This is a case by case basis. Please contact a mod about it. For the most part, if they are considered two different entities, with two different souls, we would request you only app one or the other. However, if that is not the case, you may just play it out. Again, if you're not sure, IM a mod!
Will I be notified about rejection through email or another form of contact?
You will be notified via email. Apps are taking a bit longer this time. Sorry about the inconvenience.
I want to apply for someone with a sentinent weapon with no human form. Is this allowed?
The 'extra' character would no longer be present. They would be left behind in their own world. Players with similar circumstances have dealt with this loss in various ways. For example, Naruto's fox-spirit is gone, but his Meister Ability reflects the beastial nature that spirit gives him in canon.
If a character is taken post-death, will they still have whatever they died from? Assuming that it could kill them again if they did.
No, their infliction would disappear. BREW brings in people that can be of use so if they're dead, it wouldn't work very well! So that sort of infliction would be taken away upon arrival. It is possible to keep it dormant instead of removed, but there would be no symptoms to affect them.
My character doesn't have a soul! Can I still apply?
S/he would indeed have a soul. They would be given one as soon as they entered Death City. For example, we've had robots in the game, and they all received a soul. The SC soul could definitely reflect that somehow if you'd like.
Can a character be taken post-canon?
Yes, you can! We'll accept it as long as the transition period is explained and is reasonable.
Can we edit our apps after we submit them?
You may! Just send us in a new email either an edited form of the application or just the section you are editing. Explain to us how you're editing the app and please put in the subject title
My character has a pet/mascot creature? Can he/she bring it along?
Unfortunately, no. BREW will only bring your soul along. If it is something like a robot, please ask a mod first.
Can I canon update my character?
You may! All you have to do is send an e-mail to the moderators, stating where your character will be taken. You do not need to send us a completely new app, but you must send us any part of your original app that will be affected by this canon update (a change in personality or a different soul description word for example!). Make sure to include [CHARACTER NAME HERE] [CANON HERE] [CANON UPDATE] in the e-mail title!
My character is blind, missing organs, etc. Can I still app?
You can! For missing organs or the like, the easiest thing to do is give them new ones. For blind, deaf, mute characters, etc. meister abilities can fix that up. There are many different ways to make sure your character isn't too handicapped in the game, but if you're not exactly sure how, feel free to contact a mod or leave a question on the Questions and Concerns page!
Do you accept characters from webcomics?
We do!
Can my character have more than one weapon form?
Unfortunately, no.
Can death be forced on a character?
Death cannot be forced on a player's character without player's consent so you do not have to worry about anything damaging happening to your character without permission.
What if my character has a deadly illness?
"The BREW generally removes it since deadly illnesses defeat the purpose of pulling people in for the war effort. However, we allow some characters to retain theirs depending on the case and upon the request of the player."
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