How do missions work?
Missions will be posted on the mission board, which is located in the main hall of Shibusen. They can be found with more detail
here s.
How do quests work?
Quests, unlike missions, are not posted specifically. They can be discovered in game at the player’s leisure. They are not necessary for furthering plot, however, they are meant to be entertaining and to enhance your experience at Soul Campaign.
An example of a quest is the search for the ‘Holy Sword,’ Excalibur. If your character hears a rumour about this sword, or discovers a certain book on the Weapon in the library, they may choose to go looking for the sword.
Quests don’t promise any certain outcome or souls - they are mostly just for fun.
Note: We'll be implementing some new quests soon so watch out for clues!
Can I request special training?
Yes, you may. If you wish to approach one of your professors or even a Death Scythe, you may ask them for extra lessons or training. This does not mean they will accept your request - some characters are lazy, or have no interest in training. Be sure to check the
NPC profiles before you ask, to make sure that you are speaking to the right person for the job! Some of the guests in Death City might also be willing to help your character with a particular style of fighting.
What are player plots?
Player plots, as the name suggests, are plots created by our game members, not mods. They can be something as small as a celebration to a death, to something that can effect the game as a whole. Of course, if the latter is something any player is looking for they will need to get mod permission but we always encourage our players to come up with ideas. If you have any, please let us know
Sometimes you may be approached by a mod if we feel your character is suited for a particular role in one of our plots. You of course can refuse the role if it is not to your liking.
Would two meisters be allowed to accept a quest/mission on their own?
Unfortunately, no. Partners strictly have to be comprised of a meister and at least one weapon in use.
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