I want to take a character from a point where s/he was injured from battle. Can they arrive like this? Is there a way to arrange for a healer to be present at his arrival, or would there be a better approach to it?
Could a character speak in another language that they knew (or even use their own ESL skills instead of BREW's auto-translating) if they tried? Would they have accents?
I'd like to app someone from a game not released in America/a spoiler character. Am I allowed to do so?
Is it possible to apply for a character in neither the role of a meister OR a weapon?
I want to app a character with a separate personality, but it seems like these two personalities are two different people. So do I app them together or can I only app one?
Will I be notified about rejection through email or another form of contact?
I want to apply for someone with a sentinent weapon with no human form. Is this allowed?
If a character is taken post-death, will they still have whatever they died from?
My character doesn't have a soul! Can I still apply?
Can a character be taken post-canon?
Can we edit our apps after we submit them?
My character has a pet/mascot creature? Can he/she bring it along?
Can I canon update my character?
My character is blind, missing organs, etc. Can I still app?
Do you accept characters from webcomics?
The application page says no to dark purple souls. Can I have a light purple soul instead?