Hello! If you guys will remember (and also from
this timeline), we are due to finish the
TYL plot soon. The four kids who were sent to TYL will be returning! There are some OOC things we will need to coordinate before the event next day change, which will be covered in two OOC posts.
This first one will deal with any information your character in TYL will want to send back to their past (or present, as it were) selves. This will be open only to the
characters included in the TYL plot, aka the ones who signed up for it before.
It can be things like:
1. Any information/rumour you want sent back to the present timeline. Your character may want to send something upfront via a note or a message, or you as a player may want certain rumours or information getting passed on to the present. If possible, include preference on who says it. And if you want rumours to get back to your character, it would be appreciated if you could also suggest/specify how thick the characters should lay it on or how you want it spread.
Note that we might not be able to accommodate all requests for various plot-related reasons, but we will see how to make it work. Plotting this out will depend on who gets the info, and how the message will be relayed.
For general information, the TYL4 will be returning home in the middle of the battle.
2. Anything you (or your characters) DON’T want to reach the present timeline. You might not want your character and the rest of the city to know that your character went evil, for example, or you may not want your character to know who ends up in a relationship with someone. Just specify it here!
On the same note, if you were in the TYL plot and were supposed to join the
last TYL log but were unable to, we would appreciate it if you could post up a summary of what happened to your characters in that fight. Just put it up in that log! Thanks!