stereo had mono: SWEET
stereo had mono: OH MY GOD
stereo had mono: I FORGOT
stereo had mono: TO TELL YOU
stereo had mono: about
stereo had mono: this kid
stereo had mono: i saw
stereo had mono: tonight
stereo had mono: he was wearing
stereo had mono: checker black and white pants
stereo had mono: that were home made
stereo had mono: and like
bite my clavicle: hahaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahah you did tell me
bite my clavicle: or someone did
stereo had mono: a suit jacket
stereo had mono: NO
stereo had mono: and liuke
stereo had mono: he had pins
stereo had mono: thart werre like
stereo had mono: "SKA RULEZ"
stereo had mono: and stuff
stereo had mono: i dont know
bite my clavicle: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
stereo had mono: but he was at the school
bite my clavicle: haha
bite my clavicle: omg
bite my clavicle: im HUNGRY
bite my clavicle: wait
bite my clavicle: OUR SCHOOOL!??/////
stereo had mono: for this music thing. AND HE WAS ASIAN
stereo had mono: yeah
bite my clavicle: im going to FUCK him
stereo had mono: hahaha
stereo had mono: he ruled
stereo had mono: so much
stereo had mono: i couldnt stop laughing
stereo had mono: i was like "GOD I WISH ANDREA WAS HERE"
okay ska needs to come back hahah ..just kididng.
haha uhh yeah thats me before the hair cut when they used the think to get rid of all the color ever put in it...
hahhha andrea and I with the mimi makeup in da mall
her hair so pretty
normal andrea lee b, yes i am andrea lee h, we are awesome.
look at my giganterous head! i was bored..
i want those jeans so i had a "virtual model" try them on..good thing i dont look like that.
^ more accurate