[amy x 2] Love Match Theme

May 23, 2009 20:59

Name: Pris
Age: 19
Stamped as (personality and/or mirror): Amy x 2 ^-^
Three words to describe you: Compassionate. Honest. Stubborn.
Do you prefer men more like yourself, or opposite?: It depends, I would like to have things in common; especially being able to relate on several levels, and it would be nice to be with a kindred soul... but if he was exactly like me, then it would be like looking into a mirror reflection of my soul... so some things should be of his own accord. :)
Are you more of a romantic or a realist?: A mixture of both, although, I wouldn't care too much about dwelling on romance for long; and he would more likely get my attention with subtle little hints, and small things to let me know how much he really does care. However, I would be extremely flattered if he did go out of his way to make me happy. :)
What are the top three qualities you seek in a mate?: Integrity. Inner strength. Respect for himself, and those around him.
What are your top three turn offs?: Lies. Controlling. Self absorbed.
Should he be good or evil?: We are all a mix, so he must be strong to decide his own path...
Do you have a weakness for tortured souls? Or do you prefer sensible, dependable straight arrows?: Mmm... like I already said, I would like to be able to be with somebody kindred - so, I would have to say, a tortured soul, because then we could understand one another better; but sensibility has it's own rights, so perhaps a little of both, leaning towards tortured? :) I tend to prefer the loner types, and melancholy souls...
Is he an introvert or an extrovert?: Most likely an introvert, but hopefully more confident than me. :P
Younger than you, older, or about the same?: I definately prefer older men. I've never been able to get into guys the same age as me, and I've always been able to talk - I mean, really talk - with guys whom were older then myself. :) So definately a mature one.
Is he dominant, or are you?: I would like to think of us as equals, but I wouldn't mind being a little depending on him, as long as I was able to have my own personal space. :) ...it would be nice, too; if alone, he was able to lean on my shoulder though. ^^
On the shallow side, what physical features attract you the most?: Eyes, face... neck... and sometimes, hair. I also tend to have a weakness for men with beautiful voices, too. :) No biased preference on either hair(style), nor eyes... slight attraction is a little tan-ish skin, but not overly dark; although, pale skin is beautiful, too, so not completely biased there. I do like strong hands, and shoulders, though. :)
...are looks important?: I am not shallow, so no, they are not. But looks are naturally a part of attraction, no? :) I tend to prefer stronger men, both outward appearance, and inner strength.
In the Soul Calibur universe, where would you like your first date to be?: As popular as this stage seems to be with us girls... I would choose Setsuka's stages in Soul Calibur III, and IV... it's romantic, and it gives me a nostalgic feeling, because I've always loved Japanese culture, especially what I see in Hayao Miyazaki's films. :)
Is it love or lust?: Love, pure love... although, I don't mind if it was tainted along the way with the latter. ^^

matched with: raphael, stamped

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