Perfect Symmetry is Boring

Jan 30, 2009 16:28

Tell us about yourself~

Name: You may call me PromisedSword. Or Miyu.
Gender: Female
Likes: Music, movies, fanfics, fanart, 100x100 icons, reading, writing, poetry, anime, manga, fandom, Japanese culture, fantasy/sci-fi, livejournal, cosplay, roleplaying, computers, singing, Gothic fashion, samurai, weapons, especially swords, pretty notebooks, rain while the sun is still shining, huge libraries, the full moon, woods, rainbow-colored things, cherry blossoms, snow, being accepted, and most of all, my friends <3.
Dislikes: Bullies, ignorance, bigotry, stupidity, self-weakness, writer’s block, not having something to be passionate about, isolation, letting down those I hold dear, hurting others, mornings, cynicism, and people who take advantage of other people.
Fears: Being alone, being ridiculed, heights.
One thing you like about yourself: My uniqueness.
Strengths: I have a very strong sense of justice, am loyal to a fault, and believe in upholding a standard of honor and integrity in my actions. I am very creative and imaginative; I’m very introspective and aware of myself and my feelings. I have a high level of self control. I’m intelligent, and I care about the people I love and want to protect them. I’m also a bleeding heart for others (unless you’ve wronged me) and would not hesitate to sacrifice my dreams or anything else for those I love.
Weaknesses: I’m incredibly insecure about myself. I often feel worthless and can sink into deep depressions. While I love most people, I hate those who have hurt me with a passion. I have a violent temper, but often regret the decisions I make when in that state. I can’t stand up for myself often, I’m painfully shy around strangers, (although this has started to change) I have a hard time hiding my emotions from others, am physically weak, and have a hard time speaking my mind. I also have a tendency to procrastinate.
Looks[pictures optional]:

I’m 5’6, which is the only thing the pictures didn’t really show. I have a pair of lace-up platform boots I LOVE> <3

Now, Let's play a game of Choose to get to know you a little better, shall we?

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic. Though I do believe in a lot of things, and hope that things work out for the best, I always seem to imagine the worst possible situation, and worry a lot about what the future holds.

Outgoing or Shy: I’m incredibly shy, and am intensely private. I never speak up in school, and usually just sit in the back of the class and read. However, when I get around my friends, or when I’m home, I’m very lively and outgoing. (BTW, this produces a very funny reaction when a person used to the first type sees me the second way. xD)
Think before you act or do immediately?: I always think before I act, to the point where I get nervous and second-guess myself. I don’t want to do anything that would give people a negative opinion on me.
Mean or Super nice: I’m super super nice, especially to my friends and family. There’s hardly anything I wouldn’t do for those I care about. However, I will have no problem being an absolute bitch to those who have wronged me.
Modest or Fucking Confident?: Not only am I very modest, but I am also really insecure about almost everything about me or in my life. The only thing I am confident in is my ability to write.
Long range or close range combat?: Close-range combat.
7 or 8?: Eight.

Now, we have a few questions to ask you.

If you were to hang out with anyone in Souleater for a day who would it be and why?: OHGOD my first reaction was Stein because he’s my favorite (so cool and different and awesome!) but I’d probably be too nervous to actually get much out of it. Still…yeah, I’ll go with Stein. >///<
If you were to BE one of the Souleater kids for a day, who would you be and why?: Death the Kid, for some strange reason. He has a very strange mindset that would be interesting to experience. Plus I absolutely adore his fighting style.
Who do you think you'll get along with and why?: Probably Tsubaki. Her kindness and ability to adjust herself to those around her would help draw me out of my shell and feel comfortable; like I had a friend.
Who do you think you'll get along least with and why?: Black Star, definitely. His arrogance, confidence, and large personality would cause me to shrink into myself and increase my naturally shyness and insecurity.
One of your friends is in trouble. You are the only one who knows where they are. Do you go tell someone and help them with a group of people, or go and rush to help them yourself?: I immediately rush to help them myself. At that point, I wouldn’t think or care about having support or backup; the only thing in my mind is saving my friend.
There's a test coming up! Oh no! What are you doing knowing there is a test coming up?[do you study, leave it, what?]: I know I need to study, but I’ll probably procrastinate until a day or two before and then cram.
Your choice of weapon: A katana. Stereotypical, I know…but I’ve always been fascinated by the simple elegance and deadliness of a sword, and in my opinion, katana are the pinnacle of all swords.

Oh well thats it.

Anything else you want to add: If possible, could you give me some sort of reason for the vote you gave?
Suggestions on how to improve this community? Maybe add in some of the characters that have been introduced more recently. Variety is the spice of life fandom! :D
How'd you find us o-o?: Search for ‘Soul Eater’

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!need stamp

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