Scissors aren't Symmetrical

Jul 20, 2009 18:40

Tell us about yourself~

Name: Lumi
Gender: Female
Likes: Symphonic metal music, pianos, loud rockish piano music, chocolate, every odd number(with the exception of five) and six, poofy dresses, anime, manga, cosplaying, shooting games(preferably arcade or on gaming platforms), MMORPGS, shunning the television, and magnetic frog statues.
Dislikes: The usual Saturday shopping trips my mom takes me on, outdoors, the television, Mexican food, random people who just sit there and talk loudly in the bookstore, being overfed, cheese, tomatoes, and grass.
Fears: Probably messing up a song when I’m playing in a piano recital, due to rabid headbanging. 8B; Oh. 8D And breaking a bone, getting surgery, and the dentist office.
One thing you like about yourself: My competitive attitude towards certain things? xD;
Strengths: I’m fairly easy to get along with… Well unless you get me mad and I’ll threaten to rip off your face. I usually try to be as cheerful as I can, and not be serious half the time. I’m not your average “cookie cutter” person, people tend to call me weird, I just call myself unique.
Weaknesses: I’m short-tempered around small children. I’m extremely impulsive and will probably end up shouting threats/kick, which usually results in people giving me terrified looks. I’m a big procrastinator- Oh snap, I still need to do my summer book reports. Dx
Looks[pictures optional]: Yes, I know I look rabid. D8

Now, Let's play a game of Choose to get to know you a little better, shall we?

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. Or at least I think anyway… Some people have told me I was pessimistic…
Outgoing or Shy: A little bit of both really. Depends on the situation I guess.
Think before you act or do immediately?: Do immediately, definitely.
Mean or Super nice: Err. 8D;; Tough question there… Since I tend to have a bunch of anger fits, even though I’m nice…
Modest or Fucking Confident?: Modest. :<
Long range or close range combat?: Close combat… Even though shooting stuff does sound nice, I’d go with close combat, you don’t exactly have to reload any weapons.
7 or 8?: >8| Can I pick neither and go with six?  It's my favorite number even though it's even. ;__;  I don’t like eight because it’s an even number. D8; And seven isn’t six. xD! But if I had absolutely no choice but those two numbers, then it’s seven. :3

Now, we have a few questions to ask you.

If you were to hang out with anyone in Souleater for a day who would it be and why?: Probably Death the Kid. xDD I’d love to just torture him.
If you were to BE one of the Souleater kids for a day, who would you be and why?: Probably Soul. :’3 I can play the piano and it’d be cool to turn into a scythe. 8D
Who do you think you'll get along with and why?: Tsubaki. 8B; She’s so understanding… And the fact that she can cook and I can’t. xD;
Who do you think you'll get along least with and why?: Medusa. o.o I honestly have no clue, but I never really liked her at all
One of your friends is in trouble. You are the only one who knows where they are. Do you go tell someone and help them with a group of people, or go and rush to help them yourself?: Call 911 and eat chocolate for the rest of the day. Um. 8D It really depends on the situation. But most of the time, I’m just going to go get a group of people to go help.
There's a test coming up! Oh no! What are you doing knowing there is a test coming up?[do you study, leave it, what?]: Pfft, I never study. D8 I get good marks too. Though in those ten minutes that the teacher gives you to study, I just quickly scan through the chapter and wait to get the test.
Your choice of weapon: I’d say either dual swords or dual axes. Possibly even dual broadswords. 8D Those swords are huge and look cool, especially if there’s flames.

Oh well thats it.

Anything else you want to add: Nop~e.
Suggestions on how to improve this community? I think it’s great as is. xDD
How'd you find us o-o?: xlacosanostrax ← That fiend. 8D

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