So last night was possibly the best night of my life. I co-hosted (and also performed
this poem) at the first ever poetry slam/open-mic night at my school. IT WAS CALLED THE FRIDAY NIGHT PANDA PARTY. P.S. I'd just like to point out how great that name is. People performed music, spoken word (whether it was rap, slam poetry, or just poetry) or short
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Comments 26
p.s. i still think we should put together that online international literary magazine thingy we talked about for a total of like 2.5 seconds.
I actually don't know what I'm thinking. But I think it should include all of those things PLUS: poetry, bandom related fics, not bandom related fics, -insert all types of creative writing here- and since it's online, maybe we can post videos of people doing songs (or reading their poems aloud if they're meant to be read aloud)? Though that might me a stretch, but still it'd be so kickass.
I think we need more of a ~crew for this.
this is an excerpt from Book I of Ovid's Metamorphoses. In this myth, Deucalion and Pyrrha are the only survivors of the Universal Flood, and they are alone on the top of a mountain, watching the waters and worrying about their destiny. Finally they prey etc etc and the waters go away, but they are alone ( ... )
sometimes i overlook writing like this because it's archaic and hard to grasp for me at first but this paragraph is obviously evidence that i shouldn't do that. this reminds me of this book my dad gave me yesterday, it's called something along the lines of norton's athology of world's materpieces and it's thicker than the bible, written on that bible-y paper, in bible-sized font. but if it's filled with bits and pieces like that^ then i'll most likely read all of it.
oh! and yes. i have aim: buddy holly said
but it hasn't been working for me recently, so when we switch to wireless (on may 6 i believe) i'll be using it again.
yeah yeah! but sometimes i actually like writing like this because it's archaic and so solemn. like, this is the way Love should be proclaimed, you know? Standing someplace high and saying O before every sentence, and stuff like that.
That sounds like a book you should randomly open and pick up random quotes from. Or that's what I sometimes do with bible-y books? Bible seldomly included. Alas, I'm not sure where the Old Testament is in this apartment.
oh awesome. i'll add you now so i don't forget and then uh, may 6 we'll talk, or later but, uh, yeah. i'm girleatsworld.
i haven't even dared to open the book yet--it's so heavy and intimidating! my dad handed it to me and said, "okay, when you're done reading it in 3 years, we'll talk about it." i was like COOL. actually i really was like "coooooool!" all dreamy and wide-eyed and WOW I GET TO LEARN YAY! because i am a nerd.
is your aim a reference to jimmy eat world? or boy meets world? either way: AWESOME.
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