a little thing ineeded to do

Feb 03, 2005 00:11

OKay... so i've been having thoughts haunt me recently. Thoughts and dreams. One day i wrote out the thought and it made me feel better.ONce again, however, i am being plaugued and i need to get this off my shoulders or i won't sleep with out much guilt in the morning. So i give this now as the "second" part of a story. Its in it's first phase and ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sheeetz June 21 2007, 20:02:36 UTC
wow... so was this a dream or something or did you just make it up?


dubioussin June 22 2007, 16:37:21 UTC
it was something i made up. a scene that breezed through my head, and begged to be put on 'paper'.

Its not half bad. there are parts where the flow kinda slipped a bit.

so yeah, this didn't happen, but it wasn't really a dream either.


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