Title: The Jacket Characters: Ten, Master Rating: G Disclaimer: too broke to own Spoilers: Thru S3 TLotTL Summary: The trouble with roommates and reminders. A/N: written for
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Ooooooo -- I really like this one! Good thing the Master didn't try that with Nine, methinks . . . although even with Ten, Mister Master seemed to get a bit of a warning flag, here. ;)
Re: *apologises*souleswandererApril 12 2008, 23:38:48 UTC
My apologies for the failure to explain that better. I sometimes forget the reader isn't allowed to see my jumbled thought processes.
The smell of flowers is from the idea that Rose and Nine shared so much together that the jacket took on a bit of her scent also...my bad for not making that more clear.
I should probably have used the specific rose rather than just flowers.
Oh!! This drabble is perfect! Although I will admit that the Master would look good in leather. ;) Just not leather that belongs to a previous incarnation and should be worn while a beautiful blonde is clinging to his arm.
Comments 7
But don't know why it smells of flowers... Enlighten me please?
The smell of flowers is from the idea that Rose and Nine shared so much together that the jacket took on a bit of her scent also...my bad for not making that more clear.
I should probably have used the specific rose rather than just flowers.
Thanks for sharing!
And since I'm home there'll be something else up shortly.
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