Title: Assorted Drabbles
Characters: Ten, Master(Simm)
Rating: mainly pg13
Disclaimer: don't own the characters, but the universe is mine!
Summary: What happens when you add two Time Lords, an alternate reality after TLotTL, a brief flash of insanity and boredom? Continuing adventures in the CIKH Universe.
Time Quest
"You've been sitting in front of
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Comments 7
But for some odd reason, I just can't let this little universe go...it's too addicting.
As addictions go, I can think of lots worse than the CIKH 'verse . . .
The Doctor dropped his gaze, refusing to meet the Master’s stare and jumped slightly when the metallic tool bounced off the metal grating.
“Fi-ine,” whined the Master, pulling him into a hug. “Brokeback it is.”
How can I read that and not laugh?? :D
On a side note, the icon is fabulous!
LOL, thanks for supporting the 'boys'.
And I'm going to have to play with more iconage me thinks!
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