Title: A CIKH Christmas pt 1
Characters: Ten/Master, Can I Keep Him Universe
Rating: pg
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters....
A/N: Offering a bit of Holiday cheer to my flist in drabble format, enjoy the season.
Dec 1, 2009
“I know just the location to wipe that frown off your face,” declared the Doctor, flying around the console like a hyperactive toddler who'd overdosed on pixie stix.
The Master yawned, thrust his hands deep into his pockets and shuffled towards the hallway. “Yeah, yeah, that's what you said before we visited Disney World.”
The Doctor paused momentarily to run a hand through his unruly hair. “How was I to know the Teletubbies ride was under renovations?” His arm dropped to his side as the Master disappeared.
“This will be different,” he said, patting the console.