shoot. that was hot and sexy and lovely and sweet mixed perfectly into one. you've just converted me and i've just totally jumped on this ship. not to say taec and eunjung wasn't a hot couple to begin with...
i'm always a fan of urs and this is no exception. i love these two individually so much and when they are paired together in a beautifully written story, i'm complete. :) my current obsession so do write more. ♥
awesome..beautifully written.. i always love them together..they kinda have a thing for each other.. whenever you see them, there's this sense of comfortableness but yet some subtle tension.. and the way they look at each other..i died..
i love how they can understand each other so well...its so easy to see a connection b/w them, but to actually elaborate on it and make it something so wanted, needed and yet forbidden....requires a lot of talent...good job once again!!!
Comments 39
my current obsession so do write more. ♥
i always love them together..they kinda have a thing for each other..
whenever you see them, there's this sense of comfortableness but yet some subtle tension..
and the way they look at each other..i died..
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