As the years past, the passion remains. The desire to be with her is as strong today as it was a decade ago. Yet it has been so long. So bloody long since I was last with her. So long since I was graced by her beauty. So long since I felt her soft skin. So long since I was intoxicated by her scent. So long since I tasted her. So long since I touched the fire. So long since I was overwhelmed by her.
It's strange how you can be so close. Strange how you can be so in love... only to lose it all. To lose the soddin' life I worked so hard to build.
All I have now are the memories. All I have now are the memories that grow more and more faint by the day. I feel like I've become a stranger. Become a stranger to her. A stranger to everyone I once knew. A stranger to everyone I love.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #384
Muse: Spike
Fandom: Buffy/Angel The Series
Words: 176