Topic 387 - An empty grave.

May 25, 2011 17:15

An empty grave. My grave is a bloody empty grave. Bein' a vampire, my grave will forever remain empty.

I don't much like to think about graves. Yet I know allot about graves. I've lived in a couple graveyards. All things considered, graveyards are not a bad place to live... or unlive that is. Graveyards are peaceful. They are places of solitude. They are places I go to get away from the world. Where I get away from all the craziness and drama.

Y'know, one of the things I miss most about Sunnydale. It is all the cemetery's. And one soddin' graveyard in particular. The cemetery where I lived in a nice and peaceful crypt. My old crypt even had electric. Havin' a crypt with electric allowed me to watch the telly and keep some blood in the fridge. And was both cozy and stylish. All in all, it was a good resting place for a cool vampire with soul.

But that is all in the past. Sunnydale is history. Tis nothin' but one big grave now. So the City of Angel is my stompin' grounds these days. Los Angeles has its share of graves. Not as many empty graves as Sunnyhell. Not as many vamps comin' out to play. But it does have its share of other supernatural beasties.

Anyway, speakin' of empty graves. Think I'll go for a walk though an old cemetery in the area. A place called Angeles Rosedale. Check out some of it's amazin' crypts and whatnot.

Theatrical_Muse: Topic #387
Muse: Spike
Fandom: Buffy/Angel The Series
Words: 262

theatrical muse

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